Head shaving ideal set up

Saturday April 15, 2023
Mornin all,
I’ve had a few goes at my face with a DE now and it’s gone well but I’m not quite brave enough to shave my head with it yet, don’t fancy trying to guess the angle when I can’t see it.
At the moment I’m still using a cart in the shower for my bonce and it got me wondering if there’s an ideal set up for head shaving or do I get some more practice with angles in and just use the same as my face?

Is this the beginning of an acquisition disorder?

you can use the same equipment as on your face. go slow and adjust the angle till you feel it cutting but not scraping. think of it as a collection of flat surfaces or facets with different grain directions and different angles needed, rather than just one rounded ball.

I don't think not being able to see the back is a challenge, you go better by feel anyway. any kind of double mirror set up would be really awkward.

maybe start with some easy bits with a DE and finish the rest with a cart then take over more and more each shave.
After a glass of wine last night I raided my savings and got a Twig!

In the cold light if day I’m wondering if I should’ve gone for the thorn or the leaf. What put me off the leaf was the reviews saying it was tricky for the face and I couldn’t afford both. I went for the twig as the word ‘aggressive’ put me off the thorn, now I’m not sure if it needs to be that bit more aggressive for head shaving? Guess I’ll find out when it arrives
I've been wondering if the OneBlade Core would make a good head shaver. Irrelevant now as you've got the Twig, I have not quite got to the point of shaving my head, I still use clippers and go comb 3 down to nothing, but one day soon I'll do the lot. When that happens I might try the Core. The swiveling head and mild exposure probably makes it a good bet.
100% Agree
i have the Hybrid.
It gives me one of the best shaves ever but i think it’s soulless & boring but as a head shaver would be difficult to beat & the core goes for next to nothing so a no brainer
Short answer.
Buy a Leaf razor and you will never look back.
So far I've only shaved my head once. I used a Leaf which I'd never used before for any kind of shaving. The point I'm making is that I was utterly inexperience at both aspects - shave of head and shave with Leaf. It went perfectly and seemed to be foolproof.

What put me off the leaf was the reviews saying it was tricky for the face
Yes, it's not good in tight spots like under the nose. I infer from your first post that you already have some sort of DE razor, but you could have been borrowing it? If you do have one you could do as many Leaf face shavers do and use it to touch up the parts you couldn't get to with the Leaf do do. You could see if the Twig has already been dispatched if you wanted to change your mind. People love the Twig too though, but it might'nt be as easy to shave heads with.
I recently purchased a twig so can speak from experiencing both razors.
The twig will do a good head shave and great for the face so a win win if you want it for both.
The original question was for a head shave and not face so my answer still IMOP is the Leaf it's superior for head shaving only and not great for face shaving.
You will enjoy the twig it is light and nimble, great for hard to get at places.
Thanks for the info, I like to keep things as simple as possible so was hoping to do face and head with the same set up instead of swapping over so sounds like I’ll be ok with the twig