Have you found your best razor or are you still searching

Tomorrow morning I'm going to shave with another razor that I've never used before. It may be brilliant, we'll see. That's the fun of it. It sure looks pretty
After a few days using the Ikon SB my preference remains with the R89 on the ATT handle. May be it is my skin type, but its feels so much comfier and I feel more at ease with it. The Ikon is great in every respect, but I cannot get the same quality of first pass for some reason.

May be when I have finished the aluminium handle I am working on then the Ikon might be more at home. I shall see

May be I am just a awkward bugger?.....................My wife thinks so
Not yet found my perfect razor yet, but not actively looking.

I have a small number of razors, Gillette Slim Adjustable, Gillette Slim Twist, 7 o'clock open comb, Gillette open comb, Gillette Tech, Russian Super Adjustable, a razor made by a company in Blackpool (forget the name for now...) and a razor made by a company in Manchester.

I use all of them from time to time, the state of my face, pre-shave, usually determining which one will be picked.

I do fancy a modern razor though, but looking at the cost of the ones I fancy I'll hold off, although the draw of a modern slant is getting stronger by the month....
I keep thinking I've found the best in the new ones (Standard, ATT, Hone, Blackbird, Seygus, Ikon, RazoRock etc. at various times), but just when I suppose I have, along comes another. Apart from SEs, I'm hoping for great things from the Fine plastic slant.
But then I go back to my old Gillettes and the like, and renew my love affair with them. Never a dull moment (just some dull blades from time to time).