Halogen bulb explosion!

New Forest, England.
I have never experienced this until this morning.

BANG! Glass all over the place, including the kitchen table. I was just leaving the room when it happened. Would have been an issue if someone had been having a meal.

Turned this up:

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I might redirect the bulbs.
It's a risk for all incandescent light bulbs - possibly enhanced for halogen lamps simply because of the increased temperatures involved and also that where you might have a maximum of 3 tungsten bulbs in an installation usually there are at least 6 in a halogen installation... more bulbs = more chance of the fault showing.

I've had it happen 3 or 4 times with regular tungsten-filament bulbs. Never on a halogen. Now it's happened once to you, it might never happen again.
happened to our household in the bathroom once ....enough to tear them out and put proper bathroom lights in

its scary eh
Crikey, that's a worry. I've got halogens all over the place, almost all controlled by dimmer switches - I don't know if that makes a difference. I'm not keen on energy saving bulbs because they're too harsh, take too long to warm up, and you can't control them with dimmers.

I won't be buying any bargain-basement replacement bulbs, that's for sure!


It'll probably never happen again but I'd consider replacing with covered halogens especially in a room with a fluctuating environment like a kitchen

There all right for a bit of accent lighting but I personally hate the things. I ended up removing mine from the kitchen because they just generate too much heat.
Back home after a long day out.

12 halogens have been removed from kitchen and study. I'm off out tomorrow to get the best quality replacements I can find. The last lot came from Ebay. I'm dubious about their origins. That may have been a factor. The glass that had melted the back door mat might have embedded itself in a grandson if pointing in another direction. And there's some stuff in my study that wouldn't look too good if something blew up in here!
Remember that price is not an exclusive guide to quality.

If I remember rightly only Osram have the right thermal fuse in all their halogen bulbs. Look for the CE mark though at the very least & avoid the DIY sheds and their own brand stuff because their buyers have a habit of not following the chain of manufacture to ensure the relevant certification marks are rigorously enforced.
Had something a bit like this happen while I was still living with my parents.

We had been having some bad but intermittant interference on the TV. One night, I turned the landing light on to come go down the stairs and noticed that is was flickering.

I went into the lounge, where my Dad was watching TV, and noticed that the interference on the TV corresponded with the flickering light.

With half of me in the hall, and half of me in the loung, I told Dad about this discovery, and just as I finished explaining, that was a loud **BOPP**, and the hot glass from the bulb landed next to me in the hall, leaving the metal part of the bulb still in the fitting!!

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