Hairdresser on DE

North London
I've spoke to my local hairdresser about my DE shaving a few times in the and he has given me some free blades (Super Max). He gets them cheap and uses them to tidy areas on haircuts.

Anyway, long story short, I went in for my latest hair cut and he couldn't wait to tell me he has switched to DE shaving himself. Explaining that he wanted to see what I was going on about he took the plunge and ordered a futur and small selection of blades, he now has 60 feather blades. Now he thinks everyone has got it wrong and should all switch to DE shaving, to the extent all his customers are told about the huge benefits (cost savings, better shaves). He is now considering some sort of world cup for DE shaving in his local salon. He would try to stock some products, but explained that it would work out cheaper for customers to purchase from the internet, compared to the prices he can pay wholesale.
What genuinely amazes me is that so many of the men (who are old enough to remember the days of proper shaving) are utterly convinced that DE razors and blades are unobtainable.

Such is the power of mass multi-media marketing and frankly allowing the wife to chuck a pack of disposables and gloop in the basket, at the supermarket. Men still talk longingly of proper wet shaving and when pointed in the right direction willingly have another look at the art.

Someone wrote on this site some weeks ago about the dearth of Wilkinson DE basic razors and blades (in Boots)...gentlemen, perhaps the world is turning once again?


Perhaps you man should organise a series of actual in-shop tutorials, perhaps a live version of the Mantic's videos encompassing the art of lather creation and the shaving techniques?

That would spread the word...
The SuperMax lasted for about 3/4 of a stroke for me. When I went into a local Boots there was a ad poster of a gimp using a brush to lather.
Not sure if it means much other trying to associate traditional methods with their own products. They've always sold D.E blades and the odd D.E razor, too much money to be made from cartridge systems.
Blyth Spirit said:
What genuinely amazes me is that so many of the men (who are old enough to remember the days of proper shaving) are utterly convinced that DE razors and blades are unobtainable.
My local hairdresser (not barber) is the same age as me (38), we were in the same class at school. So probably wouldn't have known about DE shaving.

antdad said:
The SuperMax lasted for about 3/4 of a stroke for me.

I used one this morning, It wasn't too bad. Much better than the derby I used yesterday.
At 40 I'm just old enough to remember my dad using a DE which he then "upgraded" to an electric I mentioned to him that I was now DE shaving and he said over recent years he's returned to wet shaving but that means Fusion and goo to him. It was all seen as progress, the futur (puns intended) none of my family believe that DE shaving can be as good (let alone better) than the high tech multi blade razor.

Now the question is as we get more and more converts will that mean that this relatively small sector of the shaving market becomes more of a threat to the big boys and needs sorting out or will we see the likes of Gillette making DE razors again!
Jeltz said:
Now the question is as we get more and more converts will that mean that this relatively small sector of the shaving market becomes more of a threat to the big boys and needs sorting out or will we see the likes of Gillette making DE razors again!

I can't really see the likes of Proctor & Gamble being bothered by what people actually want. They're more interested in steering people towards what they already provide, and issue the marketing that TELLS us what we need.

The good news for the DE shaver, is the fact that the likes of Merkur, Muhle, Jagger, Weishi etc, are all seemingly in good health and producing razors. Also, the worldwide market for DE products is still very much alive and well.

Luckily with the internet, the world wide market is helping to keep the suppliers of DE/straight products alive. A few thousand people switching to DE from cartridge, probably wont notice in P&G profit margin. Although with news that there new razors/blades will be more expensive, more people may look at alternative methods. Alternative methods, will probably be a beard growing generation.
Of my friends ive convinced one to turn toward the light ... Hes as bad as me now - I have RAD , he has SCAD..

The others tend to think its out dated & Slow, and one mates fiancee seams to be under the impression that we are mentally deranged...
They know the products are out there, but the Cartridge brainwashing is strong... We persevere with the de-programing.

I told my dad (in his 70's) i was 'Classic' Wetshaving and if he had any old DE's lying about .. He just looked at me and asked "why the fascination with the past? Electrics the future boy!" :?