Greetings from Yorkshire

Hi and welcome. Just restarting using DE's myself after a long absence. My goodies arrived this morning to replace/supplement my Wilkinson Sword Classic. Gone for the Edwin Jagger DE89. Would be interested to hear how another newbie finds the change!

I started with the WS Classic too, then moved onto the DE89, which I've used for every shave for 6 months. The DE89 is a pretty foolproof and popular DE starter razor really. Since mine arrived, the WS is unlikely to ever be used again, unless this breaks or I pass it into someone who's starting off. The DE89 is a mild razor, but the WS is ultra mild. For me it was a huge jump in quality and performance. DE89 just feels superb in the hand, especially if you get a knurled grip one

@Wintermute let us know how you find the Rockwell 6S.