Greetings from Sunny Glasgow

Welcome to T.S.R. Sunny Glasgow? I guess that was last Tuesday, you're talking about.
Welcome from another resident of "sunny Glasgow" and also another former organic/medicinal chemist too!

Moved out of the lab around 4.5 years ago but still some good memories!

I would suggest a Glasgow meet-up with all the members declaring their location to be here but you know we'd all be trying to outdo one another's BBS effort that day and end up pulling out at the last minute due to red, sore faces that no balm or potion would relieve! Would be nice thought to finally meet another person in real life who doesn't think you're a weirdo instantly when you happen to mention you "read on a shaving forum".....
Guys, if you fancy a meet up you can use our office / warehouse at Executive Shaving, heck we will even put up some refreshments. Let me know. T: 0141 880 3040.
I would be interested to know how many members there are from Glasgow! There seems to be a good few anyway..

I used to live in Shawlands, i'm now Robroyston in the North East of the city.
Re: RE: Greetings from Sunny Glasgow

Gerry said:
Guys, if you fancy a meet up you can use our office / warehouse at Executive Shaving, heck we will even put up some refreshments. Let me know. T: 0141 880 3040.

That's a very kind offer Gerry. I was at Silverburn the other day admiring your new concession stand. It looks much more difficult to shoplift from.
GorbalsRazor said:
I have spent a bit of time on The Other Forum, I dare not speak it's name in case I get banned, but I thought that the Brit perspective might be of more use to me.
Anyway, enough rambling, pleased to meet you all,


Hi Stephen,

You may be surprised to know about TSR members in general. By and large, they are all damned and banned over at you know where. Yes, I am talking about the smart forum.

Here you got the shaving forums dregs......none of em allowed anywhere else anymore. They are mostly a real bunch of degenerates. Oh, certainly no offense meant towards all those deadbeats.

Being from Chicago and a sensitive MIdwestern person, I have been exposed to many awful things here. First day I joined there was 5 private messages with pictures of guys stuffed in their 'gimp suits'. I had never heard that term before!

Anyway, just keep what I said to yourself. You seem like a nice guy and.....oh, set your preferences to 'Ignore' for the member called Mikael. Do not respond to him.


Oh crap, there is a small amount of facetious humor that's crept into this post.