Greetings fellow shavers!


My name is Aleksa. I am from Serbia, southeast Europe. 25 yrs old.

Into wet shaving for 5 years now, but for first 4 years I mainly used some Serbian soaps and creams and Wilkinson sword classic. Last year I bought Panasonic electric shaver, I paired it with Pitralon eletric pre-shave and boom, I shaved like that until this January. Then I came back to original!

I mainly bought every domestic shaving soap and cream(I like creams a little bit more), then I started with Figaro, Proraso, Wergulde, Arko, etc.

Currently using Omega brush and Yaqi Sagrada Familia 22m.

As razor part, Gillete Ciggarete Tech (60s), Gillete travel tech ('68), BAILI BR191T(which will be rebranded as Serbian product of famous razor and blade company Super-silver, but it's just rumor, probably nothing haha!), Gillete Super Blue and waiting for my first Yaqi chrome to arrive!

I mostly use wtg and atg. My beard has very rapid growth and, due to atg methods with cartridge abominations when I was younger, you know that I need agrresive razors and blades.

As blades part, tried everything. I love Derby blades mostly, and Astra blades. Will buy myself Nacet very soon.

So that's my humble origin story. I am thrilled to learn new stuff and meet new people!