Well this has been a mixed up sort of day !

Went to see nurse and op scars are healing up very well, that surgeon was tip top only one speck of blood on the dressing. Stitches have dissolved but needs taping for a couple of weeks as there is a risk of it splitting open.

So home now, sat down and I get a text from one of our oldest and best friends followed by a call to say they are getting divorced. Gobsmacked ! She is like a sister to us, she's god mother to our kids and us to hers. It seems the tolls of his job travelling the world has been too much. Just goes to show too dispite being very well paid, nice home, nice cars, nice motorbikes, holidays etc, it doesn't make you happy.
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Glad you're literally on the mend. For all the stick the NHS gets, not least from central government, they really do a fantastic job in difficult circumstances.

Sad fact that some years ago we realized we knew more divorced "couples" than married ones. Relationships are like jigsaw puzzles - all the pieces may be there but you've go to work at it to bring it all together (and it's a mystery some work at all).

UKRob: Some beautiful razors but regret my wife won't have one in the house. Not sure if she's afraid I'll cut my throat or hers!


Must say my NHS treatment has been first class. On the day of the op I was signed in, they did all the paper work, checked my BP had me changed and I was in. After the op I was given tea and toast and out with in an hour after. Lovely wound which has healed up great, nurse at GP 's was great. She didn't know about NF1 (cause of the lump) but she said she didn't and asked what it was. Redressed and out with a follow up Friday.

Of course SWMBO has been fantastic, I've a good un here. I've been waited on, and even told off for doing too much. I popped the Hoover around and had a ticking off. Due to where it is there is a possibility for a few weeks that stretching it out could reopen it. Even a week later she's telling me to take it easy.

I've been with SWMBO for 30 years, we are lucky as we understand each other, look after and support each other. It's very rare we have words and we soon calm down and make up. We've been through rough times, we've lost all but my mum, it's sometimes the downs that life throws at you that makes you stronger.
Well a good weekend back in Southampton, friends seen and Christmas presents delivered.

But, seeing one of your oldest and dearest friends so upset as her husband is divorcing her, well very tough. His work away and a life style of travelling the world has taken over and "they never do nothing together". But he's been home for a couple of weeks, probably around one month this year.

But on the plus side we saw him for a couple of hours. You know in life you get blokes who act superior ? These are blokes in high power jobs, as is he, ones that know best etc, ones who it's hard to feel confident around, well for once he wasn't to sure of himself. Personally I feel he has found someone else, and that he's found a playboy life style. His bonuses are six figured, he even had body guards in a couple of countries. Either that or it's a mid life crisis..

Well he can go screw himself, he's being an idiot, all his friends think he's being a idiot and his brother who has ripped him a new &£@?. GGGRRRRRR !!!!!!! I didn't speak to him about it, no good me saying anything he's made up his mind.

It has made me think though how bloody lucky I am. I have a few annoyances and life has its hiccups. But I'm counting my blessings.
Well it's been a crap week, two fellow Scout Leaders were disrespectful to me and I aired my views on them both to their faces. I ripped them both down a peg or two. I learnt long ago to face people full on, and I do.

They have both apologised and I'll eventually calm down, for now though I'm still pee'd with them. It happens in Scouting, you join for the kids an leave because of the adults.

I'm in the handover process going from Cub leader to Scout leader and tonight was my first Scout meeting during that period. A couple of Scouts didn't know me so I was introduced as their new leader. With that one of them, one of my old Cubs gave a double air punch and mouthed yes ! Now the old Scout leader was present and one that upset me earlier this week, so that would of got to her. For me though I'm chuffed to bits. Another girl who I've know since she was a Cub at around seven, now 14 had a good chat with me too. My old Cub lads were pleased to see me as was one of the parents.

As for Scouts it was great having a decent discussion with them about issues from poverty to the import of goods. Much better than Cubs, I'm going to enjoy my new role.

So a good day after a load of crap !
Well a bloody good morning !

I've been on the look for job, only a part time one just a couple of days a week. Having been in a well paid job nine years ago and being made redundant I discovered I have a natural ability working with young people. I retrained as a Teaching Assistant but there aren't many jobs in that area.

As I get on well with all ages a friends put my name forward for a job working with people with mental health and special needs, young adults through to the elderly. I know it doesn't pay a huge amount etc. She knows me and knew straight away I'd be good in that job and environment.

Well I had a telephone interview this morning. They have a vacancy which they have offered to someone, but they are not sure if the person wants the job. She basically said that if they hadn't offered it she would snap me up ! After ages trying and failing to even get an interview you don't know how that feels !! She has put me on her bank workers list so looks like if she does take it I'll get the odd shift and there will be another job come up in September for sure, if nothing sooner. Great though to speak to someone and put myself forward.

I've a small amount of experience of dealing with people with special needs, so I'll have a bit to learn. But a new challenge and all. I also feel that I'd like to help others. In scouting I get all the young people with special needs or learning difficulties as that's where I specialised when I was working in a school.

So a good day ! I have been filling in an application form, just a bit left.
Congratulations, Sean! You'll need patience aplenty - which I think you have - and great rewards will flow if you look in the small places. I'll never forget the first smile of recognition I got from an autistic adult.

Cheers mate, I've seen that smile of success in the young people in scouting. I'm very clued in on special needs in young people. I've had parents come up and thank me for what I have done for their kids. My biggest thing is allowing them to speak and to be listed too. Just someone listening. When working in a school a young lad under my care was written of by the school. I soon showed what he could achieve, through kindness and understanding.

It will be a challenge but I've always even as a lad been up for a challenge.