Grandstand or World of Sport

Fab link to a great story about British wrestling in it's heyday. Pure nostalgia. Ok, we knew most of the fights were fixed/choreographed, but to boo at Mick McManus and shout at the tv screen to the ref that he was punching oppo on the blindside was brilliant. Also loved to see the local grannies give the bad boys a few verbals and a cuff with their handbags. Happy days.

(Sorry, I was referring to Nico 1970 link).
Theme tune Grandstand....but now to the wrestling

The greatest of them all had to Mick McManus. Kept up kayfabe to the day he diied.

Also Daniel Bryan (as well as a few other yankie pros) has said he was one of the greatest technical wrestlers ever and the wrestler he studied old videos of all the time when he was coming up the ranks