Good evening guys

Friday February 3, 2012
Hi,just wanted to say hello.

Converted to DE shaving last summer and am now completely hooked!

Almost competing with the missus as to who buys the most smellies, creams, lotions and potions!

Look forward to sharing advice and getting ideas on what more new kit I just 'need' to have!
Welcome to the forum.

I've only been here about a week and have had loads of help and advice so far. Be warned though, it's very expensive joining this forum as people keep showing pictures if things you just have to buy.
Yeah, yeah spacer, hi there and all that ... no doubt there'll be plenty of suggestions for good investments. Take 'em with a pinch of salt, play it canny, and you can escape from here with honour and bank balance intact. Not fancying a cut throat razor at all, are you? :icon_twisted: