Giving up sugar

Well done Peter, I suspect the biggest impact on your diet is not eating the cakes and bics that can accompany cups of tea or coffee, when you decided to drink less you T & C you naturally consumed less.

When I decided to give up smoking I had to give up enablers like morning coffee and going to the pub (pre-ban) for three months once you identify those it's far easier.
Milk is an interesting one. I'm undecided, but having read about the A1/A2 type, I stick with goat milk for the very odd occasion I need milk, like for a cheese sauce, and just go with unpasteurised and fatty (cream, soured cream, creme fraiche, etc) otherwise.

Most definitely, I see the outlawing of unpasteurised milk and the enforced homogenisation of the fat to be a bad thing. Yes, I know I can buy milk from the farm, but it's just easier not to ...
Well done on giving up sugar. I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic about a year ago. The diet they gave me to follow actually caused weight gain, I knew I had to do something before metformin was prescribed. Something needed to be done and quick, I have a notoriously sweet tooth inherited from my mum so not having something sweet was not an option for me, plus a diet filled with veg would not work for long. I decided to go low carb. I cut my daily carb intake by half for the first 6 months and swapped sugar for sweetener and I went from 186lbs to 155lbs in that period. It was drastic and for two weeks I felt like I had a permanent hang over. I am good now and feeling great, my 6 monthly blood tests are within normal limits and I am in a size 32 Jeans.

So well done with giving up sugar its worth it in the long run.

Re: RE: Giving up sugar

pjgh said:
Yes, I know I can buy milk from the farm, but it's just easier not to ...

What is this 'buying milk from the farm' you speak of? Here in rural backwaters there's often a spare quart or two washing around after the tanker has been and taken 'the quota'... You know its the real thing when you lift an inch thick disc of solidified cream off the top
When I get home after night shift I usally have a bowl of cereal, and two slices of toast - one with jam on it (conserve which has more fruit), and the other with sesame seed spread. That's still a lot of hidden sugar. I don't put sugar on anything, but a lot of foods have it as an ingredient.

So I may switch to poached eggs on toast - no sugar, but they may have some cholesterol. Oh well, can't win.
^ Eggs are A Good Thing again, apparently. I only use milk for T & C now but have been enjoying the odd can of coconut milk instead of cow juice so might eliminate milk altogether apart from in yogurt, cheese, chocolate, etc. Almond or hazelnut milk works well on cereals.
In a recent test they gave cocaine addicted mice a choice of cocaine laced or sugar laced water and the majority chose you can imagine how addictive it is.

I gave it up a long time back....i occasionally use sweeteners like organic raw untreated non heated honey. For tea, iherb sell a great stevia tab by sweetleaf. 0 calories and sugar small tab in a cup of tea is almost like the real thing.
Digging up an old one here, but.

Around a month ago I decided to give up confectionery. I'd happily until then munch away on a bag of wine gums etc a day ! I know not good for anyone ! So in one month I've lost over 1/2 a stone. I was just over 12 1/2 stone and now I'm a couple of pound under 12. Yesterday I had a couple of fruit pastilles and they tasted revoltingly sweet.

Even half a stone had made a difference, I've had to go up a notch on my belt and I can now get back in to 34" waist jeans. I've always had a skinny arse and the weight I carry is all in the stomach. Partly due to this and my swimming my stomach is looking a lot less fat. I've no doubt Christmas will add a few pound on but I'm determined to loose that.
Someone will make a mint if they come up with a book on how to avoid sugar in the UK, it's simply everywhere. I am lucky that I don't like sweet stuff but working in an office is challenging in that respect. You are not allowed to bring alcohol but confectionery lased in sugary poison is all the rage here.
Have cut out a fair bit myself... especially in the coffee.

Picked up some Pepsi-Max, as opposed to the Coca-Cola which I was a whore for. Turns out the caffeine in the Pepsi-Max is driving me demented... palpitations... you can't win.
jb74 said:
Have cut out a fair bit myself... especially in the coffee.

Picked up some Pepsi-Max, as opposed to the Coca-Cola which I was a whore for. Turns out the caffeine in the Pepsi-Max is driving me demented... palpitations... you can't win.
So true even volvic flavoured water is high in sugar content. Aloe vera drinks are also quite bad. I've started drinking lassi (diluted yoghurt with either salt/sugar and massala) and prefer it with a little salt.