Gillette Platinum

Tried the Platinums (pl. platina?) as there is an ebay seller is offering a lot in bulk at the moment and the prices are pretty good (£2.50 for 10, just under £12 for 100).
They're pretty similar to the Bleue Extras (and that's a good thing). They certainly feel a lot like them. They may not last quite as long, as I felt it scraping a bit on the third shave.

These ones are marked as being made by Petersburg Products, and come in a simple 5-pack cardboard box, so they're not the legendary Swedes (I daresay they would cost more if they were? I have never tried a Swede).

With the Bleue Extras no longer being sold from the previous ebayer I bought them from (wished I'd bought more than two packs) and now available from someone charging a lot more, I wanted to find a similar product at a lower price, and I think these probably fit the bill.

Anyone else like them?
If you are referring to the Gillette Bleues...I think they ate well worth the buy
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- w --> has them cheaper I think in the states...if you live in the UK I am not too sure

Good Luck
Thanks blades. I'll check prices and postage.
Thanks James. Glad someone thinks they are similar - always good to get a second opinion. I was debating whether to buy those bleues for a while, but stupidly thought 'I have too many blades'. Like that ever stopped me before!
pedro083 said:
missingskin said:
So what has happened with the Bleues then. Another disappearing blade? None on evil bay, sellers selling in 10's............... :( :(

The ones on the bay were all NOS ones all ready seller just had a hell of a lot, new production ones are available in france
They're about the only thing easily available here.. go figure! (every supermarket stocks them)

i too have some gillette platinums and i like them... and like you, i feel they are similar in many ways to the blueues. They are also similar to the feel of the superthins and the 7 o clock yellows... my point.... well, most gillettes feel broadly similar to me, with very very subtle differences.

My guess would be, all gillette blades are made to a pre-set profile, but variations in coating, or finishing processes change their longevity and outright smoothness.

Of them all, i like the bleues and platinums the best, the superthins close, but slightly behind.
Very dangerous forum for me this is. Every thread I follow seems to lead to me buying something.

This time Gillette 7 O Clock Sharp Edge (yellow), Gillette Bleue, Gillette Super Thin, Derby Extra and Personna Platinum.

The Bleue were a lot more expensive than at "West Coat Shaving".

Received my Gillette Slim from FrenchBlade today, so will enjoy testing different blades the coming weeks. :) :)
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