Gillette Nacet

I have a Nacet in my Tech at the moment and it's like shaving with no blade in, except you end up with a face like a baby dolphin's bum! Really like them, smooth but effective.

Am I right in thinking the correct pronunciation is "Nashet" rather than "Nasset"? Edit: nope. It rhymes with Bassett. See video of Arabic advert a few posts further on.
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I have discovered that the name Nacet is Arabic and the blade destined for middle east markets. And it is pronounced just as you would expect in English, Nasset, rhymes with Bassett. This video is an ad for the plastic disposable Nacet II rather than the blades or the plastic-handled 3-piece razor sold in India etc. But the pronunciation should be the same I guess.

Warning: the dancing crocodiles will make you laugh but you'll have "Nacet twoooo, Nacet twooo-oo" going round your head all day and it might ruin your experience of an otherwise great shave, so only watch this if you don't believe me. Don't say I didn't warn you. Gillette should probably stop making ads altogether.

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Interesting. As I recall, there were 3-piece Gillette (?) razors with the crocodile logo on the top cap, and which occasionally show up on auction site(s). Were these intended for markets other than the UK?

P.S. This isn't good. Now I need to find one of these Nacet razors!