Gillette Nacet

You will buy more, you know that, right! P.

How many Nacets did you get? It's a very good blade.


Ideal Number of Blades = Existing Number + Next Purchase of blades
How many Nacets did you get? It's a very good blade.


Ideal Number of Blades = Existing Number + Next Purchase of blades
I like your thinking about the ideal number of blades, that will be my new mantra! I went for a hundred, like you i have always found them an excellent blade and go well with whatever razor I happen to be using that day.
I rate Nacets very highly, and, a few years ago, bought a goodly number from a very reliable eBay seller in the Middle East. He doesn't appear to be selling on there any more.

Even at my rate of use (new DE blade every 3 days) I think I may have enough for the time being. My blade drawer, which measures 16" x 16" x 5 1/2", is fairly well packed.
My blade drawer, which measures 16" x 16" x 5 1/2", is fairly well packed.
View attachment 49397

It's a fine collection but it's clear you need more blades.

I like your thinking about the ideal number of blades, that will be my new mantra! I went for a hundred, like you i have always found them an excellent blade and go well with whatever razor I happen to be using that day.

Just a 100? Pfft. 200 and we're talking.

It's clear you need more blades as well.

I'm a fan of using the Nacet in a milder razor like a Fat Handle Tech, produces lovely smooth results.

Nice! I'm using this one to organize my blades!
You could really do with organising that drawer in alphabetical order!

I remember the Nacet chap you speak of. Based in Jordan?
For those of you with an adventurous spirit I can also recommend the Gillette Made in China Super Nacet. I bought some from this vendor and they are bonafide blades.