Gillette Blue Tips, Red Tips, Flair Tips

West Yorkshire
Just wondering if anyone can give a bit of a clue on the relative aggressiveness of red tips, blue tips, flair tips... and any other tips made by Gillette in the 50s. All I know at the moment is that blue are "mild" and red are "aggressive".

As a baseline... I'm currently using my Slim on setting 4. I'm also very impressed with the Weber polished head I got recently. But I'm also rather fond of my Fat Handled Tech. If, for example, the blue was as mild as the Tech and the red as aggressive as theWeber... I'd have something to go at.

The reason I'm asking... these razors are in the ball park for a birth year razor... B1 is actually what I want... so I could do with a bit of prior knowledge if something desirable suddenly pops up, but I'm not in the market at the moment.

PS... as well as the birth year thing, I also think they look bloody marvellous!
My experience of these (and I've got them all) is this, but YMMV :icon_wink:

Tech approx a 2 on the Gillette scale
Blue Tip SS approx a 2.5-3 on the Gillette scale
Weber approx a 3 on the Gillette scale
Silver Tip SS approx a 3.5-4 on the Gillette scale
Red Tip SS approx a 4.5-5 on the Gillette scale.

These approximations are for the US versions of the SS, for the English made ones add a 0.5 to the above.

I don't like aggressive razors, but for me the English red tip is just right, not too mild nor too aggressive, but then unlike everyone else I find the Weber too mild.

Oh, I nearly forgot the black tip SS, the steel handled one is about a 4.25 in relation to the others.

Hi there,

If B1 was the date I was looking for in a razor, it would be a US made Diplomat, preferably with a nice tan leather case. Same basic shave as the Aristocrat/President versions. Not all that aggressive.....somewhere between a Tech and a RedTip or thereabouts. Feels right around the #5 Gillette adjustable setting to me.

These gold beauties are found for under $100 in very nice shape. I actually have one (B2) in my rotation.

Yep, that's a purty razor.

WiffWaff said:
US Diplomat duly noted. Gold-plated might make it a bit more fancy... then maybe I could shave with it on my... erm... birthday!

I have a few of the nicer US made gold plated razors from that era....both Aristocrats and Diplomats. Same basic razors with different handle knurling patterns. Also, I think only the Diplomats were actually dated.

I use both those razors in my rotation and the wear is really good. The plating seems better back then when compared with later years.

If you like using a Red Tip, you will enjoy the Diplomat. Maybe try to find either that one or the more common Aristocrat to test drive and see if it's for you. Can probably find a user grade for not much cash. You're lucky to have that sorta birth year razor as an option.

I agree, I use a skanky Aristocrat (it looks horrid, but shave like a dream) on a regular basis, together with a red tip superspeed now and then, I have quite a few others, never use them.
