Gillette Asks....

is a straight razor for you?

They make excellent points, but fail to mention that no one turns to a straight razor as a time saver.
Sure at first it's going to take you much longer to shave with a straight than it would with a DE razor but as you improve so will your time's and that goes for a DE razor too! Time is the key here, the longer you do it the faster you will become and one day it will be as quick to pick up your straight and shave as it would a DE razor, sure you have the extra time needed to maintain your straight razor but it's for the most part a strop after and maybe before you shave and that's it. Some people will think that extra time is worth it I'm sure. P .
As I am not a cutthroat razor user I am going to venture out on a limb here and guess that most who do initially did it out of curiosity just as those of us did with SE/DE razors. Although there is no accurate way of gauging a number, I wonder what percentage have tried a cutthroat and said "To Hell with it!!" and stopped? As for me, I have entertained the idea of trying one, but too much BS involved with stropping, honing or sending out to be honed. As well, I'm probably a lot better looking than most of you guys and as a result I have to take extra care in preserving my looks. The Otto Skorzeny look is not for me!!

I'm quite sure that you are correct and some try it never to return but those who realise that you can't get good at something overnight and do stick at it and practice and practice some more will come out the other side with enough basic skill to shave themselves without injury and with more practice and after about 100 shaves will have mastered the straight edge razor but as with everything in life you never stop learning and barring problems like joint pain (like myself) you will continue to get better and find straight razor shaving as easy as DE shaving and more rewarding. P.'s not for everyone, don't feel bad if you can't do it, not everyone can and its no big deal, use what you feel happy using. Shaving should be an enjoyable pastime P.
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Damn, Billy!! You been going to church or found a righteous woman? That's one of the most profound things you've written here!! Excellent point!!
"One Gillette blade equals about one month of shaves"


That's like saying one loaf of bread equals a month of three course meals.

When I was using Mach 3, I reckon I got about a week out of a blade. At £2.50 per blade, that's about £10 a month.

I pay about £10 for a card of 7OC yellows, which lasts me for the best part of a year, possibly less, depending on whether I ever migrate properly to a straight (a bit wobbly at this point).

Plus, I look and feel farkin' fantastic, which is priceless.

100% agree with this!
I saw the Gillette page as soon as I started researching straight razors. It made me smile. I'd been using their disposables for years. The routine was.... get up, get in the bathroom and get out ASAP.

The whole reason I've made the move to a SR has been to slooooooow doooooooown and enjoy the day. Now I have to (and want to) take my time shaving. I stick some music on, slap a pre-shave on, soak the brush, lather the soap, take my time shaving, apply an aftershave. BE IN THE MOMENT. Shit, I'd do it all with a glass of wine too if I could!

For me at least Gillette are missing the point. No pun intended.
I think you touch on a key point. It's not totally about the shave. It's partially about the shaving process.

Here's one thing. When I used Mach 3's, I never lathered up that well, and I certainly never did 3 passes. I suspect if I did three passes now with a Mach 3, I'd probably get an amazing shave. But I'd never go back to it. On cost alone, it's not worth it, but I enjoy diddling about with my different soaps, and shifting occasionally from razor to razor. Although inexplicably so to my wife, I find the whole process interesting and enjoyable.

I have a long way to go with SRs. Right now, I am getting nowhere near the smoothness of shave I get with a 37c. It is getting better.

One side effect of using the SR is that it somehow makes me an uber skilled DE shaver. It's like training with a premier league team and then playing in League 2. My touch and deftness with the DE has improved out of sight at a stage when I thought I was as skilled as I thought it possible to be.

This is very true, up until i started shaving with a SR i was always a little cautious with my R41, i got a great shave from it but i was wary of it, the other day i had a shave with it and barely gave it a thought.

But back on thread topic, i agree with @ChrisTheHelp Gillette are totally missing the point with that.