Gillette Aristocrat - what’s to special?

BigG said:
Thanks everyone, I can relate to sharp shiny things, can I ask the people who own them, do you use them or are they drawer queens, only to be brought out and admired when the urge is upon you?

Well I have a few blush, not as many as Sunbury (steve) and they do get used sometimes, but I tend to like the O/C versions the most so they get used more often.

Wait for the snipes to come in at the end and it will shoot way up above that. People who know their razors will be waiting. Think unless this has been missed it will go for serious money. Been keeping an eye on it but it is out of my shaving budget for this month.........:dodgy:

It went for £155. Has the buyer got a good deal?

I would think so, the seller only listed as UK postage so the buyers from over the pond would not see it unless they log into ebay uk. Also it is the end of the month so money may be tight. Must admit have seen them go for higher without the instructions and with a case that is showing more signs of wear. In fact I sold one some while a go for a lot more than that. But guess thats ebay for you?

Thanks for the info, I don't think I will be getting one any time soon, but it's always a thought.
The Rhodium plating is what makes those Aristocrats that are Rhodium plated so special.

I've owned a #16, an Aristocrat Junior and an OC US Aristocrat and am one of the minority who didn't enjoy the shave they gave that much.

I much prefer the shave given by a #58, HD Rocket and my Red Tip Rocket.

I've not tried any of the triangular base-plate Rhodium plated models yet though and will more than likely do so at some stage if I can find one for low enough price.

(Only joking)

I'd agree with everyone here. What's special about them is they look fantastic and appeal to my inner magpie with their sparkliness.

In terms of shaving I would say none are bad, but some are better than others (I'm thinking of the flat plate Aristo Jr's, the #16 and the #21).

If you're just buying a razor for shaving with then better, cheaper options are available. If you're buying one to use occasionally and admire frequently then I'd wholeheartedly recommend any Aristo.
cheers lads, this is getting to complicated, I think I'm going to have to do a lot of research, one thing I do know, the ones with a high price tag are shiny :icon_razz:
You're better committing the Mr Razor website to memory and then scouring EBay for wrongly listed Aristo's.

Nothing listed on EBay as 'Gillette Aristocrat' is going to go cheaply!
Tall_Paul said:
You're better committing the Mr Razor website to memory and then scouring EBay for wrongly listed Aristo's.

Nothing listed on EBay as 'Gillette Aristocrat' is going to go cheaply!

Thanks for the tip, I've visited Mr Razor's website when I was looking into Super Adjustables, lots of good info.