gillette 7 oclock blades green and yellow

Saturday January 30, 2010
£4.99 for 50 and 99p postage item number on bay 160527110043
Cheapest ive seen them if anybodys interested..postage discount offered as well..
I've used this seller twice in the last 8 or 9 days, he's very good. Default postage is second class but I've always recieved them the next day. And yes, if you buy a couple of lots he puts them together and discounts postage. I've had 150 of each blade, great blades although the green isn't quite as sharp as the yellow IMO. It's still a perfectly comfortable work blade.
Just bought these to try them out as i now feel Derby's are irritating my chops.

That will be the 200 Derby's i bought last week put somewhere in the back of the cupboard. Think i may sell or swap them :mrgreen:

Well would you believe it. Since i joined the site i have picked up some fantastic tips and using the Derby's tonight i have had the most wonderful shave. My DE89 was gliding effortlessly across my face.

Still waiting on the 7 O'Clocks, i doubt it can get any better................or can i
Thing is with Derbies is the Quality control has been questioned, so reportedly you might get a good shave with one blade, then a poorer one with the next. Can't say I've noticed, I thought they were okay, but I only used one pack.

Once I had some 7 o'clock yellows I did notice a marked improvement in sharpness alone... see how you get on.