Gilbert Bros in Black Horn

Finished this one last night and like the way the scales turned out - they are black horn and have polished up relly nicely although you can't see it. I used a new rotary sander for the first time which enables me to get a uniform thickness prior to hand sanding. Also I modified a door wedge so that I could get a true wedge shape instead of relying on hand/eye - this again seems to have worked well. I'm struggling to upload pictures at the moment so will add more late.

Gairdner said:
Really lovely, I agree. Is that what is known as a barber's notch?

Yes, that's what it's called although there doesn't seem to be any consensus as to what they were intended to do. There was some though that a barber might use two hands for certain areas although I can't think of anything that needs that. My own opinion is that it helps if you are brave enough to attempt an ATG on the top lip as this requires a very steady hand.
Turned out really nice Rob, I do like that little white wedge showing off a little as well, nice looking blade scales look really nice, so the new rotary sander seems to be a success as well good work Rob.
