Ghost thread keeps appearing

Hitchin, Herts
I keep seeing a thread called "St James of London" appearing in the "View new posts" list.
On the preview line (i.e. while still in search results) the last reply is down as being today, and the thread has 2 replies.
When I click on it and go to the thread, there are actually 8 or 9 replies, but all from 2009... there is no second page and no recent replies.

I thought my eyes were decieving me earlier because a search 30 minutes ago showed nothing of the sort... then 3 mins ago it was there again!

The URL of the thread was:
an odd thing is that for me it states that there are only 2 replied to that thread, but actually there are loads, in fact quite a few threads are misreporting the number of replies
I think there's definitely an issue with older threads i.e. pre recent software changeover, in the way it displays threads. I've tried Firefox and Chrome on XP and Ubuntu. New threads seem to be ok. Older threads have missing new posts and pages.
It's probably down to the old forum being imported into the new software.
Anybody else still having problems with these threads?

I've had another one appear this evening. This "Jewel Super Stainless" thread has popped to the top of the View New Posts list. It says that trainman has just posted a reply in it but when I go to read it the last post is 20-08-2009. When I go to trainman's profile and view his posts it shows that he's posted in the thread and I can read the first bit of the post in the preview but it doesn't show up in the thread. The result in either Firefox or Chrome.