getting over irrashional nerves

Hi tryed to have with my new straight for the first time yesterday but i could get it anycloser to my face then it touching from the side n not the cutting edge lol.

I just keep having these irrashional thoughts that i'll do it wrong and get a very serious cut, i can have been the only person to feel like this to a certain extent when they first start out?

any advice on getting over this? i now im been sill lol


The best advice I can give you is first off make sure you prep first by having a nice long hot shower and get the bristles nice and soft and make some nice lather. This is the key to any shave however it will make the straight razor shave feel more comfortable the first time you put the blade to your face.

With regards the blade to start with only shave the cheek area in a downward direction for the first time and use very little pressure the blade should do the work not the pressure from your hand. The first time I shaved I kept the blade nearly flat against my face and this helped till I felt more confidence in my abilities to get the angle right.

The main thing is it supposed to be enjoyable so relax and enjoy the shave.

On the safety aspect of shaving with a straight keep the bathroom door locked and always wear trouser just in case you drop the blade you don't want a shorter manhood than when you went into the bathroom.
the best advice is to relax take yer time mate start off with one side of your face and and take it from there if this fails try a blindfold and think of a samuri lol only joking do not try that stick to the one side of the face first mate keep it light no pressure watch a few you tube videos on it then give it a blast but best bit of info relax and dont panic :icon_razz::icon_razz:
I totally understand. Before I tried a straight I could never understand how the blade wouldn't just slice straight in to me. In reality though, as long as you keep the angle relatively shallow it should glide across your skin cutting the hairs. I'm not saying you won't get any nicks (I did this morning), but as long as you keep your mind on the job you won't come to serious harm. It's good advice about keeping your penis protected too. :icon_cry2:
penis protected too lol got to love use guys never heard of keeping it gaurded lol use guys do some strange things with those straights :icon_razz::icon_razz:

Suck it up and get on with it, As long as you do not apply pressure you will be fine,
PC I really dont see how this will help with his shaving




NSFW? You'd better believe it. Not safe for any time - I'll be having nightmares tonight!!

PS Where would one purchase such a fascinating object?
I assume that I've done the right thing by not clicking on that link?

Advice: what Graham and Tazz have said (not the samurai bit). Don't worry too much - you'll cut yourself sooner or later no doubt, and find that it isn't that bad really. It's unrealistic to expect to get away without a few nicks whilst you're learning, but it isn't the end of the world and they clear up quickly. Give it your undivided attention, but try to relax as far as possible too. It'll come much easier once you've got the first shave under your belt ... talking of which, that bit about the trousers is worth taking note of.
I think all us straight users go through what your thinking about, and as arrowhead says, you will nick yourself somewhere along the line, i do now! try to keep the the angle as flat as you can to start of, more or less put the razor flat to your face, get the feel of it etc, your confidense will soon build, and your angle increase.
Andy - that reminds me of the story about Oscar Wilde when he met the artist Whistler. Whistler had said something witty and Wilde said "God, I wish I had said that" to which Whistler replied "You will Oscar, you will."

big thank you for Neil for very kindly PIFing me an old nackered german made Hamburh ring minstrel razor. to tape over the blade and practice with.


Remember two things when you start - a) there are no prizes for fastest/smoothest shave from a newbie and b) LET THE TOOL DO THE WORK. Do not use pressure to cut the stubble as this is one thing that can result in a nasty cut. If you miss some stubble, re-lather and go back over it, keeping the razor spine about 1/4" or so off the skin. Try varying the angle a little until the edge cuts cleanly. Remember that (as I have said before!) a razor is a push-cutter, not a bacon-slicer - do NOT use a slicing action or again a cut will be the result.

Remember that for many years millions of men used one of these every day. They were no more skillful than you will be, WITH PRACTICE. Yes you will nick yourself but you will also be amazed at your reaction speed at removing the blade from your skin - faster than you can consciously think. Too, a razor is so sharp that any nicks are very clean-edged and generally a splash of cold water and a dab with an alum block will stop any leakage!

Tighten you skiddies and give it a go!