Geordie person saying hello

Sunday July 17, 2011
Hi everyone - Tyneside based face mower checking in. I've been shaving with a Parker 96 (hence the username) for about a month now although I'd been using a badger hair brush and bowl soap for a year before that. I don't like rushing into things!

My technique is slowly improving although I still have to remind myself to 'gan canny' on occasion as we say in these parts. I'm working through a pack of Personna blades from Morrisons just now and get a decent shave from them. Got some Tigers, Gillette 7 O'Clocks, Derbys and Wilkinson Swords to get through next.

I've got a pack of Feathers too but am a bit scared to try them to be honest. I want some face left to put the after shave on!
Welcome to TSR !
Don't fear the Feathers. Just remember no pressure, have a decent lather, and you'll survive relatively unscathed. And have fun.
Hello and welcome to the forum, TTO

You should certainly crack open those Feathers. I don't know that you're any more likely to cut yourself with them than anything else if you're suitably circumspect, and they are quite a pleasure to use on an occasional basis. Not every day in my case, however.
Whay Hey & very welcome TTO.
+1 on what others have said about the Feathers. They're a gr8 blade & 'cause they're so well edged they'll obviate any tendency to scrape or apply undue pressure which a duller blade may lead to. Anyway, big thing is that we all find differing combos & types of razors, soap & kit work best for us. You'll soon sort out what's ideal for you ......... make sure that you have fun finding out !

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz: