Geo F Trumper Eau de Cologne

Well, I haven't had the pleasure of sniffing that one, but I get the impression that Trumper's range of scents is quite distinctive. I was sent a couple of samples of Eau de Quinine which is quite the oddest fragrance which has come my way.
I have the Eucris and I find it to be a very distinctive smell. Not cheap but a little goes a long way............
But maybe not to everyone taste but it is my favourite one out of thier range.
I had the sampler and to be honest, none of them were amazing. I quite liked the Marlborough Cologne and the Extract of Limes, but some of them were just awful.
Arrowhead said:
Well, I haven't had the pleasure of sniffing that one, but I get the impression that Trumper's range of scents is quite distinctive. I was sent a couple of samples of Eau de Quinine which is quite the oddest fragrance which has come my way.

Yup. Milk of Flowers = cloves, geranium and carnations. That said, I love it.

The Sandalwood has amazing sillage and longevity - I put some on 10 hours ago and can still smell it. Really really strong - and nice, too.

But you're right - some of their stuff is very "English eccentric". Right, I'm off to build a folly.
Jeltz said:
I have a sample of this cologne and to me it smells identical to Savlon antiseptic cream.

Anyone else thought that?

Made the mistake of walking into Trumpers with nothing clearly in mind to buy, walked out with a 200ml bottle of this. Wore it about three or four times and ended up giving it away to a better home. That is a very good example of not wearing the scent for a while before making your mind up.

As with the savlon jeltz, there was a definite medicinal note in there, but it grabbed me as being utter tosh after half an hour of being on.

Not nearly as strong a medicinal note as i get with Harris Arlington though.

Out of all the Trumpers i would probably only entertain Spanish Leather.

KrisH said:
It's not one of their colognes that I like. I much prefer GFT.......... a much fresher small to it.

If you get a chance have a sample of L'Occitane's Verbena EDT fella, you may be pleasantly surprised.