Generosity of fellas in this group.

I remember him, Didn't he used to hang about with that bloke with the Gladioli and hearing aid. Does he do much these days?

Well Johnny is a very busy chap. He released a book last and I saw him on his book tour and he was spellbinding.

He's also worked with Blondie, The Charlatans and releasing a new single with The The in the last few months.

As for Morrissey. I stopped following what he was doing years ago. He's always been a very polarising figure but in my teens I loved The Smiths and Morrissey but nowadays I don't have any time for him.
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Everyone here is generous in one form or another, not only with physical items but divulging knowledge and time and effort as well. Whereas I can only offer material generosity currently, I feel in months/years to come I can help those who are in the pioneering stages such as myself. It's a very humbling community though, that's for sure!