General knowledge and football question: why no British team?

In Quebec we're often referred to as 'maudit anglais'. As an anglais, who attended university and worked in Quebec for several years, I am not offended by this, however, since it is often deserved. BTW, my mum is English and my dad is Scottish, so I'm not sure what I am, but my wife is English through and through, although I like to tease her by calling her a Sassenach.
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It's because the UK is a union of different countries, not provinces or autonomous states. You could apply the same argument to a European team made up of all EU member countries.

Les deux solitudes ...

I have lived in MTL for about 2 years, the French Quebeckers call also the French (of France) "les maudits Français".
"Ostie !"
THe French always refer to the Welsh as pays de galles I've never known a Frenchman to mix up a Irish Scottish or Welshman with a English Man, now Americans well that's different they haven't got a clue who lives in the UK they just think everyones English. And the Bretons are related to the Brithonic Celts the Welsh and Cornish who speak Brithonic language unlike Gaelic which was spoken by the Irish and Scottish, well we have been living in Britain for more than 2500 years a thousand years before the Anglo Saxons turned up.
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For instance, here are some articles about the fact that the Brits drive on the left side//lane.

Pourquoi les Anglais roulent à gauche et nous à droite
Les automobilistes britanniques, et pas seulement eux, sont plutôt de "gauche". Alors que le reste du monde, ou presque, roule à droite. Explications.

Pourquoi les Anglais roulent-ils à gauche ?

As far as I know, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish drive on the left side/lane as well...
Generally speaking, the French will always refer to the British as the Englishmen, unless you specify them that you are from another nation. However, since the referendums on Scottish independance and Brexit, the press makes more often the distinction.
At least in rugby union there is the British and Irish Lions team which selects players from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Unfortunately the team plays only every four years; the nest test is against New Zealand and others in June and July 2017
Probably because the England football team is so crap the other home nations fancy their chances better alone. Am I oversimplifying?

The way England played against Iceland, and almost in general, I don't think adding a player, other than Bale, would do anything.
England just plays very poor as a national team year after year. This comes from a Dane that would love for the England national team to do better. But they always disappoint. Year after year.
Same as with Denmark.
The issue is that Home Nations will not sanction a GB Team. Even at London 2012 it took a huge effort. Wales, Scotland and Ireland are concerned that if a GB team becomes to be recognised they will lose their status as independent Football bodies as they are, technically, as countries, part of UK. As Wazzer says. To me it underlines Football's peculiar and bizarre political machinations.