Gannet squad alert! New formula - TESTING

Thanks again guys, I'm delighted it's going down so well. I'll be making it in this scent for sure, as it seems to have been popular. Not sure what other scents yet, let me know if you have a strong preference. I do want to keep the number of scents relatively small though.
I guess we've got to have Sandalwood.
Geofney, I've no idea whether the after shave skin feel is to do with the scent or not, as this is the first batch, so nothing to compare to.
CMOT; not sure you're serious about the pre shave soap? What exactly is that anyway? Is it just a soap that's very non drying? I do one or two facial soaps which are made to be non drying and gentle, might trial them on here some time to see if they do the trick. Do many people use a pre shave soap?
Thinking this through, I think I will stop being stubborn and make this available in the silver tins whilst I await the new ones; not least because if I just use the silver tins for the previous recipes, I could end up with them on my hands for quite a while, and ideally I want to just make this recipe. So watch this space guys, I'll let you know when I've listed it on my site, and no doubt will offer a TSR discount for a while to get things started.
I like to use a decent facial soap or facial wash as part of the prep for my shave. You may already have the perfect soap in your range but there are so many to choose from it can be confusing. Either a new formulation to go with the latest shaving soap or renaming an existing product for us simple blokes would go down very well I think.
Sharon, I would have thought your best selling scents would be the ones to choose. Which are they?
Every one of your scents I've tried has been great for me. You probably remember me praising "Down Home Summer" but I also think your "Vanilla" and "Cedarwood and Vetyver" are my favourites too.

I think using your current tins for the initial orders to get the product out is a good idea. Then looking for a more deluxe container for later productions. I think you need to think outside the box (excuse the pun) about what type of container to use. Maybe even something like a bamboo container, like dim sum in Chinese restaurants. Maybe that's a bit too whacky but I think you should be marketing as a top end product and distinct packaging will get it noticed and remembered. Personally I believe you have absolute winner on your hands and should market it as such. Has anyone actually said they wouldn't buy it after trying it? That's praise indeed.
All the best.
You've got me thinking now CMOT....and that's always dangerous!

Fancontroller, I'll check my stats on the site and work that out. But I've already discontinued the Vanilla, as it is definitely not a good seller. I think it's a good vanilla scent, but people don't tend to choose it. Same with Marzipan. Practically can't give that away. I think maybe most people don't go for food scents?
I'll definitely be doing Yushu; it was pretty much my first proper shaving soap that worked, and anyway has emotional attachments for me. Hell, new business head already getting foggy.
soapalchemist said:
I guess we've got to have Sandalwood.

Seems like the thing about a sandalwood soap/cream is how that scent 'feels' to the maker in the products. How they think sandalwood is supposed to smell and there is a wide range of opinions.

Of course you know it can often be a blend, with a sandalwood accent in there, or it might be a single note straight ahead kinda thing. Could be a FO or EO, and if real then it might come from various parts of the world. Lots of variables with that scent.

It's not often you see a sandalwood shaving item made with Mysore or other expensive EO, and when you do it will often be sold at a premium price. The previous AOS before this new stuff had a strong sandalwood only version and so did QED at one time. No other notes getting in the way. Now I can't suggest one to even sniff, Toots.

Just maybe give a little extra thought about how you handle that one.

May I respectfully remind us of my suggestion that you call the Grail 'Signature' and have a Signature range? No reason why that range couldn't include stuff you already make - but now called Signature Pre-Shave Soap, for instance. Better yet - Nanny's Signature Pre-Shave Soap, etc. Keep your original trade name going!

And yes! Yes! use up your old grey tins, great idea and a commitment to producing only one shaving soap, as you want - but get the Grail out to us!! Please!!!!!
Another smooth and enjoyable shave this morning with the grail. I really like this soap leaves me feeling fresh and clean. I will look forward to buying this.

Thanks again guys for f/b and ideas. I hear what you say about Sandalwood Dodgy. Antdad sent me some AOS sandalwood shaving cream a few years ago, and to me it smelt nothing like the real thing. It was very sharp and overpowering, whereas real sandalwood is very very mellow.
Fancontroller, I hear what you say about containers, but I simply can't find the ideal container 'off the shelf'. Believe me I have endlessly trawled cyberspace.
I'm hoping to list the Bamboo & White Grape scent tonight, depending on how busy the day job keeps me today. Will let you know.
Guess who is going to be a very busy girl?

If you can remember in all the turmoil that is about to happen to you, would you leave the stickers off my tin and put them in the envelope separately to/from/with the tin, please? I shall transfer te Grail - or whatever it is called when you list it - to a pet jar and would like to put the stickers on that. Carl - loose stickers. Please.

I'd also like to know this. I've not tried any Nannys stuff before but this stuff sounds like the one to start my collection with!