Gannet squad alert! New formula - TESTING

I tried the original formula "Ice & a slice" this morning for the first time. Love the scent and menthol zing, but the performance just isn't in the same league as the "grail" tester.
The "grail" is better on all counts.
You've got a winner Sharon!
Had my second shave with the Grail this morning. This time using a synthetic brush and a warm scuttle.
The main reason to use a synthetic was that I wouldn't need as much soap as this stuff could get scarce if production's not starting for a few weeks. I used an almond size blob but this was still probably twice as much as I needed.
The result was super-rich lather, if you've not tried this soap with a synthetic I urge you to try it. I think I should have added more water as it was much denser than last time I tried. The warmth of the scuttle didn't adversely affect the lather, in fact I think it improved it.
The result was another great shave. In fact I think I made the lather too thick and subsequently applied too much pressure in ploughing through the stuff as I had a little irritation after. That could also be because it was the blade's third use but that would be unusual so I should water down the lather more in future.

Great one Sharon. I don't care what colour the tin would be, although red would stand out from the crowd. Why not drop the other shave soaps you have and just market this one. Wouldn't that make life easier?

Name suggestions:
Epic, Grand, The One, Hero
Glad it's still going good. Fancontroller, your results don't surprise me. I have done test lathers with this soap using exactly one gram of soap and compared to my current two soaps and another, and in all three cases this soap seems to be producing noticably more lather than the others. I'm waiting for another few samples from another member in post and will test against them as well. But for now, definitely I think you shouldn't need much of this. If anyone finds different, do double check if you're bowl lathering that all the soap is being lathered. I find it sticks harder to the bowl than my other two, and takes more work to get it all lathered using the smear and stick approach.
And yes, my life would be infinitely easier if I just made the one soap. That really is the Holy Grail!
I'm planning to make some this weekend, but must wait for the new tins to be ready. I'm working on that.
Well - it's official! I did not get a "best shave of my life" today - got a bloody good one but not greatest. Using Xpec, I did not get as good a result as I did the two previous days using Holy Grail. So Holy Cow, Sharon, you have very much created at top end, top shelf, top quality shaving soap!

When first I used Xpec, ages ago, I ranted about it's slickness, the protection it gives, the thick lather, the witches britches, I thought,of shaving soaps. It has been ousted from the highest perch. The No. 1 spot is now occupied by Nanny's Silly Soap Holy Grail!

You are top of the tree, Sharon! and so is your new soap!
soapalchemist said:
.................but must wait for the new tins to be ready. I'm working on that........

[Adopts best Mexican bandit voice]

"Tins? We don't need no steenkin' tins!"

Ok, I know it's a misquote but it's better that way.

Seriously - old bags, pot noodle containers, anything. I'm cool with that.

Can I ask a serious though slightly OT question?

Have you ever considered, despite the stink, making a soap with a substantial amount of neem oil in the ingredients line up? Although you couldn't claim any medicinal properties without clinical testing, I know this would be magic for problem skin. I use Neem bath and hand soap exclusively and it works wonders for dry skin/psoriasis/eczema. I understand that it needs a lot of powerful scent because its native smell is not great. What do you think?
Sheesh Carl, you're making me blush. Back in the old days when the forum format was different we had a fantastic blushing icon which I still miss.
Globalm, I'm not planning on experimenting with Neem at this point. I have had people with eczema say they find my essential oil soaps helpful, which I put down mainly to the lack of SLS/SLES - although there may be other factors.
soapalchemist said:
It's all getting very unwieldy; just hope I don't end up making three types instead of two.

And that is precisely my reason for suggesting "Signature" as the name for Holy Grail! The authentic one, signed by Nanny.
maybe skip the tins for forum members...rolled flat in a plastic bag would suffice...kept under royal fail shipping guides
n1vlo said:
maybe skip the tins for forum members...rolled flat in a plastic bag would suffice...kept under royal fail shipping guides

+1 this!
At least have the option for "refill puck" vs. custom fancy tins. Maybe an option for a separate label for those who plan to transfer to a separate container.
Also agree with the "signature" name. So good, she puts her signature on the label!
Check out the fancy label (with wax seal) and embossed soap puck on this soap range.
Great label on that Cold River Soap Works soap Mr Smartpants. I notice the lid has a recess for the label, and generally speaking I think that's the best way to make a label look good rather than tacky. I will ponder the suggestions for cheap and cheerful options; but to be honest, I've been very cheap for too long, and working for nothing is not making me very cheerful. I'm hoping to do a proper assessment of the time involved from the start of the process to the finish, and factor that into the final end cost in a businesslike manner. Better late than never I guess.

Now you have me frightened!!! Xpec is £50 a pop so please try to keep it under that - be worth every penny though.

I've just realised this thread is not in the 'Shaving Soap' forum.
Now I'm late adding my 'tuppeneth worth, for which I apologise.

Firstly, I like the red tins. Sometimes you have to stand out in a sea of plastic tubs and matt metal containers.
If you went with a red tin, every time someones uses the "grail" in a SOTD post, peoples eyes would be drawn to the red tin.... "What's the soap in the red tin?" some might ask, while others would knowingly nod at their screens and mutter "ah, he's using the Nanny Grail I see"

On to the soap. It smells divine. Citrus-y but not totally citrus. Not like you are shaving with a tangerine. Maybe the sharpened edge of grapefruit?
Anyway, it immediately makes me want to shave and then spray on some Clinique Happy, and that is a very good thing.

The soap itself is a lovely croap texture with a nice shiny sheen. The consistency is nice. Soft enough to push into a bowl or scoop out a little bit at a time, but hard enough to stay where you put it.
Lathering up, I went for a bit of face lathering, by scooping a little bit and rubbing it on a prickly cheek, then going at this spot like crazy with a nice omega boar. I actually found it picked up the soap pleasingly well. Sometimes this method can leave a streak of soap attached to your cheek and hidden under lather. You don't know it's there until it's clogged up your razor.
But not this time. Picked up and lathered.

And what a lather. Luxurious, thick creamy lather, with pleasingly little effort. Felt slippy when feeling between the fingers.
I was so impressed I reached for the acid test. The shaving nemesis set up I have, that always, always leaves me mopping up blood. If you can protect my delicate face from an R41 head, on a heavy stainless steel templ8 handle, with a fresh 7 oclock yellow blade, and my clumsy technique; you can do anything.
Sadly, you can't. I still cut myself to ribbons.
Don't feel too bad, I have only found one soap in my life that can cope with me brandishing that set up. (Incidently, It HAS to be a fresh blade. For some reason I have no problem with shaves 2 and 3 from the same blade.)

Afterwards. My face felt lovely. No balm was used and I still felt nice. (Proraso cut healing gel was used in places, but this stuff is nothing short of hopeless and these areas were the only ones that felt tight.

So, you have a great smelling, great lathering, great moisturising soap, which doesn't quite correct my failings. But its still good.

I will try it again with a less stupid set up as I expect it will be pretty stunning with that.

Cheers, and thanks.
initial thoughts 8/10

Sorry, but I have not the imagination to adequately name this venture.
I like "signature" that others have mentioned.
Thanks a lot Cruciate for that very detailed f/b, and sorry to hear of your sliced up face. You have indeed gone above and beyond the call of duty. I look forward to hearing if you have better luck with a more conventional setup. Glad you like the tin, I've fallen in love with it, but then again, that might just be infatuation....and we know how that goes.

Bechet, I reckon it'll be a tad under the 50 mark.
Had three shaves now and I have to say its just seems to be impressing me further. I'm not one to blow smoke up the old proverbial... But this really is a good soap. It provides a good shave and a lasting finish (in that my face feels smooth for longer and well moisturised)
Well done Shaton , you have made a good one and it will certainly have a place in my "regulars".