Frustrations of a straight razor newbie

I guess I am old school (or just lazy), have been happy SRshaving for about two years stropping mainly on the same two strops leather and linen, as is, no paste, just bought a new strop though to see if I can spot the difference between different qualities of leather and linen

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I would like to like it clear that I didn't mean using napped leather is stupid - it is a perfectly good stropping medium - only that I'd rather not have a paddle with two sides of the same material. No offense meant
I would like to like it clear that I didn't mean using napped leather is stupid - it is a perfectly good stropping medium - only that I'd rather not have a paddle with two sides of the same material. No offense meant

I was not offended and while I like the strop in question I realise it will not be for everyone but that is much the same with everything shaving related be it strops, razors, soap ect but I must agree with Billy that when starting out its best to stick with a simple strop be it hanging or a paddle with hide and canvas. It's all good YMMV comes into effect once again P.
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I think we would all be lying if we didn't say that it can take a good few months to get the hang of a straight, but when you do nothing even comes close so it is worth it in the long run.
As I always say get them whiskers hydrated, before you shave lather up get a very hot towel or flannel and place over lather on face and let it sit for a minute or two, then feel your face you want them whiskers to feel silky smooth, only when they are do you shave, those old barbers knew a thing or two!.