
I have just, to the wife's total bemusement, made my first frankensoap from a 50p Palmolive stick and a 70p Erasmic stick.

The dog ate the dropped soap gratings and is now happily foaming at the mouth and the first test lather seems to be very good.

My question is when I have used the soap sold I leave the bowl open to dry or should I seal the container? I don't use bowls just creams so not sure what I should do after use

If you like the scent seal it, if you don't like the scent leave it open; and if you really don't like the scent, place it on an outside window-ledge for a month and reassess the situation.

Thanks - I quite like the scent it smells something like shaving smelt like when I was young!

Dog is fine she didn't eat very much - might be interesting when it come out of the other end - never know might be something I've the Marmite soap mentioned in another thread!