Found a good blade safe

Saturday February 27, 2010
Just popped into an Asian version of Woolworths but even more eclectic :eek: :eek:
And found a money box that will make a great razor blade safe. Its metal, made to look like a can of carling but only has a slot in the top, nothing in the bottom. Should last a long time and when its full give it a bash down and into the recycling bin :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Cost £1. Also found one ebay the exact same in case you can't source locally

I have a "Cars" one, from the Disney film. Got it for a quid as well, been filling it for a year and they are still rattling around the bottom, it will take ages to fill it. It is good because it can't be opened accidentally or if knocked over.
They also had some cartoon ones but seeing as I've got young kids thought the lager in the medicine cabinet would be better. Can only blame myself if I give it a go when coming back drunk!
My blade safe is free and i get a new one every month.
The blades are then taken good care of and there no worry of them getting into any rubbish or anything. :)
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