Forum Discount Codes

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Not patronising dear sir merely pointing out fact. And i'm really sorry you feel that way, in future I promise not to point out when you've missed a post further back on the thread that clearly showed what I was talking about. Have a super day mwah
Not patronising dear sir merely pointing out fact. And i'm really sorry you feel that way, in future I promise not to point out when you've missed a post further back on the thread that clearly showed what I was talking about. Have a super day mwah
I hasn't missed any point, the post was ambiguous.
You were patronising by listing my perceived shortcomings in your usual pompous manner.
I hasn't missed any point, the post was ambiguous.
You were patronising by listing my perceived shortcomings in your usual pompous manner.
Lol patronising... pot kettle. And yes your short comings are fact, I was pointing them out clearly as you implied you didn't understand my previous comment. The compounding fact is that if you'd read the thread fully you'd have seen the post that Darron @Fox had quoted the discount code. There was no ambiguity, i'm sorry you've taken my comments the wrong way YMMV.
He said..."NO CODE REQUIRED",..." there's the ambiguity.
And while you're here,...could you tell your mates on ATG that the passaround box HASN'T been stolen.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. There was no code for the weekend offer of free soaps, I honored this right across all my weekend sales no matter where they came from. Some forum members used the discount code as well I see.

Thanks @Mr Bigmem for the heads up mobile text on this.

Anyone who ordered who did not use the 10% discount code if they can direct message me the order number please. I will make a 10% refund on the total cost of products ordered back to their Paypal.

@gents please, lets all calm down a bit, lets not cry over spilled lather!

It was a split second decision to put on the offer as I was getting ready to collect my Son for the weekend. So I put my hands up for not being clear in the terms of the offer. PM me and lets put this one to bed please.
He said..."NO CODE REQUIRED",..." there's the ambiguity.
And while you're here,...could you tell your mates on ATG that the passaround box HASN'T been stolen.
No need to shout! Lets not start stamping our feet it doesn't make your points any more valid.
If you read the context of the prior posts, the clear fact is that he "Darron" said no code required to obtain the free bath and face soaps. But as I point out again in a prior post he supplies a Forum discount code for a % off. So clearly two separate things that you got muddled up in your haste.
And my friends are on both forums so i'm sure you can tell them yourself if you so wish.
No need to explain yourself my friend it was quite clear to the majority it seems
Oh, so that's why he stuck his nose in.
No problem with you mate, I'd already admitted I'd had a brain fade, without him sticking his beak in.
As he's a mate of yours, Id best take my leave.
Reactions: Fox
Oh, so that's why he stuck his nose in.
No problem with you mate, I'd already admitted I'd had a brain fade, without him sticking his beak in.
As he's a mate of yours, Id best take my leave.

No worries, it's hard to understand someones intention via messages in a forum. Wires are bound to get crossed, and I don't think it's common knowledge in the TSR that Mem is pretty much my eyes and ears and helper on all the social platforms.

Thank you for your understanding. OK who wants free... LOL
Oh, so that's why he stuck his nose in.
No problem with you mate, I'd already admitted I'd had a brain fade, without him sticking his beak in.
As he's a mate of yours, Id best take my leave.
I'm not throwing mates in for backing. I made a comment cos its a free forum. I've witnessed you place your comments in plenty of times whether they were asked for or sought. I'll post and comment where I see fit in a polite and factual way. Good day
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