Forum Discount Codes

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Wednesday February 8, 2017
Lancashire, UK
Hi all,

Hope you don't mind me posting this but feel im not taking advantage of the forum discounts.

Can anyone advise on online stores that give out codes for the forum. Ive already used the one for Shave Lounge which is great but do people like Wickhams offer anything like this?


If you are after a code, I don't think anybody will give you a code in an open forum or at least I hope so.
We need to protect businesses that give us these codes, if we don't then we make it harder for them to stay in business and we, this forum community, lose out.
How do I find out who is giving the forum codes? The only one ive seen so for is the Shave Lounge code which ive used wit them.

Im not looking for people to be giving codes out over the forum just to point me in the right direction
People who are not members still have access to most of the forum, this is the reason why codes cannot be put out on the open forum for " everyone" to see. P.
Sorry , but the whole point of a forum discount code is for the benefit of all forum members not a privileged few , they can be in a signed in member only part of the forum so the general public can't have access . The only way a discount code can work is if its available to ALL members.
Maybe I'm missing the point or do I need a special handshake

Im not after the codes id just like to know who's offering them them. All I know so far is Shave Lounge.
Just logged out and the 'vendors offers' section doesn't show , so I would imagine any vendors offing exclusive codes/offers should be in this section as its only view-able to signed in members , would seem a little strange if they are only available to some members (hope thats not the case).
No special handshake, mate, just respect for the wishes of vendors, some of whom have requested that codes are not made public. Anyone can register on here and I have seen names ,"currently on line", that I've never seen a post from.
Are these people members?,....not in my opinion.
Discount codes are, by convention, passed on using the PM system on here, usually by members with whom you have interacted with and consider you a "bona fide", member.
For what it's worth, In my humble opinion the Original Poster is a good example of the latter.

I cant see them
For Wickhams
tsr-10 should still be active for a 10% discount. I will check to see if its active once I return to base later today.
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