Floid Shaving Oil


The pre-amble - asking this for my best mate - a proper wet shaver - he spends a lot of time on the road - shaving out of his wet-kit bag - when away - he uses Floid shave oil - works for him - a Schick vintage or a Braveheart razor - simpler - minimum kit - but gives a good shave - according to him - personally - I only use it to shave my head - the wee orange bottle - and he needs to stock up - it doesn't appear to be available from any of the usual suppliers at the moment in the UK - I found one - but the price was ridiculous - you can still get it from Gifts and Care in Valencia - which might be his only resort?

Does anybody know of a UK supply at the moment? At a price that isn't taking the piss.

Can you suggest any alternatives - that would fulfill the same function?

Thank you - on my behalf - and his - for any suggestions - yours - I.
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