First "straight" shave.

That's like shaving with only one side of a Kamisori. Let's consider shaving downwards on the cheeks. With a Komisori you can shave one side and just move it over to the other side, but using the other side of the blade. With the Durham you can't do that, but you can rotate the Durham 180 degrees in your hand and then move it over to the other cheek. So taping one side of the head makes using the Durham very difficult to use. No wonder you had a few handling problems.
Yes, that was the object of the exercise.

As I said a yesterday:
I have yet to find anything in writing that states that a kamisori razor should be used on just one side. A very knowledgable contributor to the site (Mikael) did suggest that it was perhaps traditional for a barber to use just one side - but trying to shave yourself this way does not make sense.

Kamisori razors have an asymetric bevel - however, that does not mean that one side shaves better than the other - it's simply a slightly different angle. I have used in excess of 100 old razors and can guarantee that the difference on bevel angle has been far greater than any kamisori I've ever used.

The point of this post? What are you trying to prove?
Ermmm.. you were not using it like a Kamisori, you were using like half a Kamisori. A Kamisori has only a single edge, but you can use both sides of the edge. With your setup you can only use one side of a single edge. Twice as hard. At least.
O dear @UKRob. I think we need to step back a little and calm down.

Everything I have read suggests that the traditional Japanese way of using a Kamisori is to always keep the Omote side close to the face.


I am merely trying this myself. Is that OK with you?
Ermmm.. you were not using it like a Kamisori, you were using like half a Kamisori. A Kamisori has only a single edge, but you can use both sides of the edge. With your setup you can only use one side of a single edge. Twice as hard. At least.

No Andreas, the correct traditional way of using a Kamisori is to only use one side of the edge. The "Omote" side.
As I said Scratch, I've yet to find any authoritative text that proves it's 'traditional'. Everything I've come across has been from western users - I've also seen videos of them trying to prove it's possible - which it is, with a great deal of difficulty.

Try searching for Japanese barbers using kamisoris (I don't subscribe to the theory that the plural is Latin either) and you will see them using both edges.

I don't need to calm down - I'm trying to help you.
No cheers @UKRob, I didn't come here for a debate or an argument. If you use both sides of a Kamisori then more power to you chap.

I'll continue using the Omote side as I believe is the correct way, but don't worry, I won't be sharing the experience here again.