First shave with MWF!

I've never understood why people find MWF tricky to lather. There's plenty of soaps I have difficulty getting a consitent lather out of, but MWF isn't one of them.
Some people may find MWF tricky if there water Is hard, I live in Cornwall with very soft water and have no problem with it at all, just a thought.
It does like water so just try adding a little more a few drops at a time until you feel that it's right.
I have rather hard water, and have trouble lathering some soaps. But not MWF, for whatever reason.
Maybe it's all about the brush, I use a damp omega boar and just a damp puck top and then whisk hard for 30 seconds and then go to my bowl and whisk again adding 8-10 drops of warm water at a time and whisk again and keep adding the water a little at a time until it's done, not the easiest of soap's to work but well worth the effort, it's one of my favourite soap's.
How much water are you adding and what is the lather consistency? I've never had bother with MWF and I love the OSP. It is the only soap I have found that gives the same post shave feel of MWF which is the king of soaps in my humble opinion.
So I dip my hand into the water, and then let water drip from my hand into the bowl, and do that 4 or 5 times.
But looking at other peoples recommendation in this thread, I should add more water. I also load for 1 minute so I probably should add more water to compensate for that.
Mythbusted the hard water myth: ... if anything, hard water gave a firmer lather.
That's really interesting. Thanks for posting that. I have guessed it's more likely me, but I wanted to see if it was an issue with hard water or not. I definitely don't lather for 360 seconds, or even close to that as done in that post. I'm spending the week using MWF so hopefully I can improve my wrist action, it's usually pretty good.......
I think the trick is to load a damp brush from a damp puck...whisk it like you hate it for 30-60 seconds then take the brush to a damp bowl and start whisking again adding ten drops of water into the bowl as you are whisking, keep repeating this maybe six to eight times and you should have a lovely peaky lather. If you put too much water in at once it kind of kills it. I hope this helps, I prefer to bowl lather rather than face lather and have found this work's for me, i use a boar bristle brush for MWF.