(First impressions) Maseto 24mm Silvertip Badger Brush

Two words. Which one?

I bought this one... But this one is probably the closest you'll get to a 30mm MS. I can't knock the Maseto's by the way, they're one of the best value brushes out there but personally I would rather pay a little bit extra for those Italian curves

My Zenith isn't quite as dense as the 30mm MS but the individual hairs are thicker which gives the backbone we love whilst providing better flow-through... And it doesn't doughnut.
Ok, well I need a new brush as I haven't had one for a while now. If I can get a nice handle colour I'll get one.
Well, I received my first Maseto brushes. I had ordered one a while back but I cancelled the order after I read the silvertop didn't have enough backbone.

So I went for a 24mm two bands finest with extra density and a 26mm two bands finest with extra density.

I'm quite pleased with my first impression of the brushes. The 24mm is smaller than I'm used to using but it won't be a problem.

Density is not at the same level of my Shavemacs but that won't be a problem either. I'd say the density of these brushes lie between the Shavemac unique knot and the 26mm Stirling knot brushes I have.

Here are some pictures, just out of the box and then after first wash in shampoo and shaving soap.

I hope this helps anybody that is still wondering