First ever DE Shave

Preston, Lancs, UK
Just had my first ever DE shave. Was quite an interesting experience and one with a major lesson learnt.

I decided mid last week to dump the electric and get back to wet shaving, but this time "proper" shaving, as, having been reading up on this for a few weeks now, I kind of like the whole "ritual / me time" feeling of it.

I ordered a DE89 from amazon, which has stupidly still refused to arrive, so this afternoon, I nipped out to the local store and purchased a £4 cheapie - the package says Rimei Razor. I am also still waiting for my brush to arrive but thanks to an ever so generous forum member, who not only offered me two of his spare brushes and some cream and oil he does not use, but, more importantly, invited me into his home to spend what seemed like 10 minutes talking about and explaining the art of shaving. It was only after I got in the car that I realised we had been talking for an hour - time very very well spent - thank you.

Back to my story. I decided to have my first shave in the evening. I put hot water from the tap into my scuttle (managed to grab an old stock Steve Woodhead off ebay) and dropped the synthetic brush in it. Had a shower, applied some pre-shave oil and dumped the water from the scuttle. reloaded and put a dollop of Vulflix Lime cream in and started to work up a lather.

The lather was never going to be the whipped cream you see on you tube on my first attempt. It started off looking quite thin, but I added a bit of water and it started to get some body, not a lot, but a little. enough for me to slap it on my face, take a few deep breaths and grab the razor.

There was a RIMei Blade that came with the razor, I decided not to use this and put in a Personna platinum which was in a sample pack from a fellow forum member.

As I had 3 days growth, I knew which way my hair goes.. sort of away from my nose in most places apart from the sideburn area, anyway, I start with the cheeks, then the neck - all well and good so far. The chin area was very tricky, under the nose was fine.

Had a quick rinse to assess the damage. No cuts, but not a close a shave either, so, decided to go for a second pass.

Scuttle still had enough lather in it, so loaded the brush again and applied to face - enthusiastically... rather too enthusiastically - OW OW OW, that hurt. I was not expecting my face to be "sensitive" . After gently finishing off lathering, I went for the second pass. It was then when I started to hear the noise of hair actually being cut - im sure I heard it in pass 1, but this time it was more prominent. finished the cheeks, and remembering what I read, I went across the grain. I then started to do the same to my neck area, only to realise have way thru that I was actually going against the grain, and there were quite a few patches of blood developing. Nothing major, but shows what either being cocky or dropping concentration can do. Did under my nose, which I found ridiculously easy considering what I have read about the problems people have, and then went to my chin area.

Another drop in concentration led me to thinking I was 20 years younger and using a Mach 3. A bit too much pressure and a big cut. - Another lesson here.

I decided that 2 passes would be enough for today. Rinsed off, wet the Alum block and put on face - OW OW OW again. That had a sting.. but.. quite an enjoyable one after the initial shock.

Tidied up, then rinsed off again and looked at the results.

The only bleeding left was on the chin, so I used one of those alum matchstick things to stop it dead.

So. an eventful first shave. Its about 50 mins since the shave and my face still feels a bit raw, so will put some balm on it now to cheer it up.

The shave itself was pretty good. still a bit rough, but only when you stroke against the grain so I am very pleased with it.

Will give my face a rest for a few days before I try again, this time hopefully the DE89 will be here. In between then, I have given myself 1000 lines - "I must concentrate more when shaving" - not really an onerous task as it only takes a few seconds in word to do....

Thanks for reading
Haha! Sounds like my first DE shave - I got a couple of weepers and a cut. From that one lesson, I knew my boundaries - I think you've found yours. It's good to push the edges, best on your first go, I reckon.

Within a few more shaves, you'll have it down to a tee. I've not nicked since and only got one weeper tonight on my first run with a slant razor. It actually stopped itself and disappeared almost immediately.

You're on your way now ...

When that DE89 arrives, you will absolutely love it, I'm sure. Refined, not mild. Drop a sharp razor in and give it minimal pressure, you've got a close shave in a couple of passes, third to polish.

See you around ...
If this was your first DE shave, you did well………….

Three simple rules:

1) Prepartion, Preparation & Preparation.
2) NO Pressure, let the razor do the work.
3) Relax & Enjoy.

Charles U.K
My DE89 finally arrived on Saturday, so I was ready to have my second DE experience.

I decided to follow exactly the same procedure as with my first attempt, with only the razor itself being the difference.

The DE is heavier than the rimei I used previously, it is certainly a quality item.

On with the shave - same routine - shower, then some pre-shave oil, then spent a few minutes trying to get a lather going in the scuttle - similar results to last time, usable, but need to practice more as I dont think its the right consistency, though it was not as dry as last time, so getting better.

Whilst I learned a few lessons from my first attempt, there was one that didnt become apparent until the day after, Not sure if it was razor burn or not (no real red spots), but my face was still quite sore. Most likely me still using pressure, so this time I was more careful.

I did the first pass WTG, the next XTG. I was not 100% with the results, so decided to try ATG. I know its a bold/stupid move for a beginner, but I used to wet-shave ATG with the cartridges years ago, so thought, give it a go.

This was a pivotal decision I think as it all fell into place for me. I was more comfortable using the DE89 this way, I got more "feedback" and I was able to control the pressure (none). I was left with a really nice and smooth shave for the most part - still a bit wary around the chin(s), so some short hairs left there but I was really happy with the shave.

The Alum didnt sting as much as the first time, and there was just a small nick which went away immediately.

A bit of trumpers skin food and my ritual was complete for another day. I then spent a few minutes annoying the wife "look how good this shave was" - she just gave me "that look"... Im sure a few of you have seen the same look

The next day, my face was not sore at all, so all good.

My plan is to have another few shaves with the DE89 / Perssonnas to establish a baseline, and will then switch blades to see how I get on. Also set some homework on lathering

Hi there,

We all have our druthers when it comes to things like razors, blades, soaps/creams, EdTs and other stuff like that. If you wanna keep changing things up early on it's your call, but it's gonna be tough going. Using a blade now and changing to another after a few shaves will tell you nothing about how that new blade fits you. In order to intelligently judge how good a blade is, crappy technique can't be getting in the way. Right now that's the kinda technique you got, only because you haven't shaved enough times yet. That's the only experience (trial and error) and no muscle memory built up yet.

Your baseline should be a strong reference point in the beginning, and switching any variable can mess things up. If it was me learning to use a DE razor, I would stick to one brand of blade for at least 15 shaves till the technique starts to develop. I would then switch to something different after that.

Heh, sadly there's no fast way to learn this skill. Give it a month and you're set for life.

now three weeks into my new regime and I am loving it. Im an evening shaver as I can relax and enjoy the experience. The last few shaves have been blood free, no nicks or anything, though still a zing when I apply the Alum so the pressure still needs adjusting but I am now very happy with the shaves that I am getting.

i am still using the same setup, personna red blades, and will be doing so for another 2 weeks, and will then pick a new one from the sample pack I have.

I have been having trouble with lathering, could never get the whipped cream consistency, but on Wednesday had a eureka moment, after i finished shaving, instead of just washing everything down, i experimented on what was left in the scuttle, so added more water and started agigtating - the remaining cream just burst into life - damn, I was not using enough water.

So today, kept adding water and wow, fluffly lather after a minute or so

Next sunday sees the arrival of 2 birth year (M1 and M4) razors that I got off the bay of e in the US. Not sure when I will use them yet though
Sounds as though you're making progress. Just a word of warning - it's easy to add too much water to a lather and think that it's fine, as, sometimes, lather that's too wet can appear lovely and fluffy when in fact it's bubbly and frothy with no density or cushion.

As usual, mantic59 has a video on just this subject:
Good honest report, you've summed up a lot of the problems many of us have had at some point over the first few weeks. Good learning material for others, thanks for being so candid.

And it'll all come good in the next week or two so hang in there, you're doing okay!

That video is what got me looking at wet shaving again, I randomly spotted it whilst browsing another forum. I did look back to it a few days ago and realised that he is adding a lot more water than I was doing - I was adding a few drops only, so this time I was still adding drops at a time, but more often. I think I could have added more water, but I was happy with what I was seeing so will experiment more next shave.

I suspect the water issue is why I didn't get much lather on a T+H sample cream too, so looking forward to having another go at that.

When I started this, I was scepticle when reading about the pleasure you guys get when shaving, but as I was finding shaving generally a chore, I thought what the hell, jump in and see if you get the bug. Well, I truly have, I find it so enjoyable and relaxing I'm kicking myself for not starting sooner.

Sounds as though you're well-set!