
Extro Cosmesi Arancia Italiana. This is the 2nd soap I have actually got to the end of. The HWF #3 just finished before this but is much smaller to start with. I like the scent of both. HWF didn't get a "Finished!" pic because it comes wrapped in cling film! Nothing to take a pic of now the soap is gone, whereas the divine orange from Extro has this lovely glass tub/jar.
Exactly, Saj. It's the opportunity to review a product with the experience of using it until it's finished.
I think this is much more relevant than first opinions of a product.
Yea true say mate

Also I think it shows how quick we're using products too

I think I need to be posting more in these sort of threads then the acquisitions threads as it will show me whether I need or want a product
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