February 2018 Acquisitions

Nice haul for someone who wasn't buying!! easy to say, hard to stick to .....I know!
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet Shaving Cream.

Lucky to pick this up for a tenner at my staff discount shop (no, I don't work at Penhaligon's) or else I would never have paid the retail price.
Having said that, the tube is an enormous 150ml which is twice the size of other creams I've paid the same price for.
I've used it few times now and for the scent I'd rate it top marks; just wonderful and not too strong like a lot of 'merican soaps are. I've also found that you only need a tiny amount to produce a decent sized lather, so therefore not making a really pricey product when you take all things into account.
Performance was well above average; no complaints to be made. Skin conditioning is surprising good with no dryness or tightness afterwards.
A purchase I'm well pleased with.