Feather AS-D2 has landed

I've been shaving for many years with a collection of Slims and Fatboys - however I ordered an AS-D1 some while ago as it was such a pleasing looking razor.

However, despite trying every angle known to man, I had to put the Feather away.... It was simply too mild.

But the other weekend, I thought I'd make up some shims and try again.

I made the shims by putting an old Feather blade in the AS in the normal way. And then used a dry marker felt (the type that is NOT permanent) and liberally marked the exposed blade of the old Feather blade. I then used a Dremmel grinder to gently grind away the black felt pen from the blade.... Very easy. This makes an extremely neat job - cutting with scissors can make a mess.

The shim goes under a fresh blade (closest to the handle side).

Result? Perfect. I'm getting a perfect shave with it.... I'm now experimenting with two shims underneath - quite aggressive, but still feels very safe.

I'm posting this as I suspect there are a few forum members with abandoned AS-D1's. The answer is to shim them. But make your shim carefully so that it's fully supporting the blade above it - grinding, if you have the tools, makes a nice finish.
I'm really liking the razor.
Am getting constant shaves that are very comfortable and with a no hassle action.
Tried a few different blades and no irritation from any but you can feel the smooth action when using Feathers, Astra's and 7 oclocks, where others seem to almost drag a little.
Just taken down 4 days of growth and the Feather made easy work. Very surprised how easily it handled this.
I can't see me using or wanting another razor now.
This site is so evil...


...enabling! :icon_rolleyes:

I've not visited here for a while, and I'm already wanting to get an AS-D2 to complement my AS-D1...

Gaahh! :icon_razz:
Dont waite for ever as you will be missing out on both the best shave ever and the best ever made razor on the planet, most men have some where between 3 to 5 different wet razors, why you ask well all we man want the best razor so we try many to find the best well iv found after some 40+ years the best razor the FEATHER stainless steel. I have sold my 4 other good razors for 1 the Feather and its been for me the best spent £160 iv ever paid, I do fully understant its not the razor for all men but its the best ever one for me [/b]

I've only two, and like you I only use the Feather. I've not looked at any others since using it and its been the best purchase so far as its just so easy to use.