Feather AS-D2 has landed

Sencha said:
My concern with the Feather which maybe rather silly. Is that I'm sure I could stick with it and get good shaves but I'm a little worried that shaving with it after a while may be a little dull.

Hi there,

Heh, those dull no drama kinda shaves are what I try for most every time. There's no shortage of razors to choose from, but I almost always go for a mild razor/sharp blade combo. I like being able to use the thing like a cartridge, with pressure if I need to, and looong strokes being a snap if I wanna use em. Very little attention to detail is needed for a great shave.

For excitement (jeepers) I will sometimes grab an unusually aggressive piece from the arsenal for a few days worth of shaves, but not often. Sounds like the Feather in this post and I would get along pretty well.


ah you are on the same wave length as me.
I too just want a nice shave with Minimum fuss and I hope I have portrayed the Feather in a true light.
I'm no guru or expert, been shaving with a DE for about a month but I hope and wanted to give a fair review of what the razor performed like.
I hope I can conquer the fine angle and that I get some nice shaves once I get use to it.
sadly I can really only compare this to my iKon and EJ89 but if asked I would say the 2 features that stand out are, its ability to just glide over the face even against the grain very smoothly even on my neck which is a problem area for me, and the rather safe nature that breaths a confidence that you will not slice and dice yourself.
Ok last update till I really get some use out of this razor, I will conclude with my thoughts so far.
I loaded a nice new feather blade and used Tabac soap followed by Fitjar Folgefonn balm today.

The shave is about the same again with rough patches on my right and left lower cheek bone.
it does provide a close shave on my chin, upper lip area and the flat of the cheeks but it does not quite match the iKon for the real smooth finish to touch.
The ikon handles the lower cheek bone areas better but I would guess it could be my technique to blame for these areas.
The Feather blade matches this razor better than my Astra SP blades. While the shave seems smooth on both I get very little irritation with the feather while the Astra gives a little irritation in places.

Now while the shave is not baby smooth it is a very comfortable shave. It's gentle on my skin, cutting against the grain on my neck is a pleasure now. I've not noticed a single tug when going against the grain.

would I recommend this razor for novice, yes. I'm not a seasoned veteran of DE's but the safety and ease of the shave makes this a nice razor. The only point you would have to remember is that moving away from this to another razor is that you will get a bite to remind you that they need careful handling.

At the moment I've just one, a Simpsons Chubby No1. When I started it was my most expensive outlay, that changed though lol.
I've not thought about another brush, not until you mentioned it:icon_razz:
No I'm happy with my only brush, its lovely.

Just the one, my trusty Omega 10065.

When they catch though, I'll be panicking!

I went with the Omega for the price, and I'm not disappointed I must say.
I got mine yesterday and this one is a great shaver, the first model just didn't shave at all. 3 passes on the face, no touch ups needed, couldn't be more BBS, two passes on the head same result. For me it shaves just as close after 3 passes as my R41 but in a very smooth way, I used a Feather blade btw. Very happy with it.

Thanks for letting us know how you are finding the razor.
sounds like you have mastered the razor nicely.

Now this is really interesting, as you've used the as-d1
Yesterday afternoon I used a Tradere SB I got in a trade (also a good shaver but not as good as the Feather IMHO, but of course is only first impression so ....).

This morning I used the new Feather again this time with a Personna Med blade (Found the Feather blade just a tad better) and got another fantastic shave. Looking in the mirror I used about a 20 degree angle. Don't know if it means anything for the result I got but I'm used to shaving with Feather and Kai razors (straights with replaceable blades) and that works best with thinner lather with lots of water in it. the second and third pass are even thinner (don't have a camera but think like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=I6iFZLoR_qk ). As bad as the specimen of the first model was that I tried so good is this one. But don't pin me down on this, if you want to be sure before buying you might wait for others to post their experiences with the new one.

That's an interesting point on the lather. I tend to have quite a thick amount on which worked well with the iKon and never thought about that.
I will give that a try today.

It won't take much more water than usual, so go carefully. It may take as little as 2-3 drops to convert dense but slightly too dry lather into still quite dense but creamier, more lubricating lather. If you go too far you'll end-up with wet frothy stuff which won't do the job at all.

Nice one, I'm about to tidy myself up as I've not long been back from work so will give it a go.
So is this version uncoated stainless steel? I know the AS-D1 was coated and was wondering if they decided to just go for pure stainless steel this time.
Sencha said:
So is this version uncoated stainless steel? I know the AS-D1 was coated and was wondering if they decided to just go for pure stainless steel this time.

I'm not sure to be honest. I read the other had a coating too.