Favourite Film Quotes

"You, Mr. Freddie Mays, you had to go swimming in her eyes. Dancing in her hair. You had to slip into her mouth, slide over her tongue. Fall down her throat, deep down into her belly. Right into her blood. You had to fall asleep wrapped around her beautiful, beating heart.”

Malcolm McDowell (Gangster 55)

Gangster No1
Daniel Dravot - Sean Connery & Peachy Carnaghan - Michael Caine

Daniel: Peachy, in your opinion, have our lives been misspent?
Peachy: Well, that depends on how you look at it. I wouldn't say the world's a better place for our having lived in it.
Daniel: No, hardly that.
Peachy: Nobody's gonna weep their eyes out at our demise.
Daniel: And who'd want them to anyway?
Peachy: And we haven't many good deeds to our credit.
Daniel: None. None to brag about.
Peachy: But how many men have been where we've been ... and seen what we've seen?
Daniel: Bloody few and that's a fact!
Peachy: Why, even now, I wouldn't change places with the viceroy himself...if it meant giving up my memories...

From 'The Man Who Would Be King' - my favourite film of all time. - I.
Blondie - Clint Eastwood, Tuco - Eli Wallach

Tuco: Wake up, you. There are troops coming.
Blondie: Are they blue or gray?
Tuco: Gray... They're gray like us. Let's say hello to them and then get going. [Shouting] Hurrah! Hurrah for the Confederacy! Hurrah! Down with General Grant! Hurrah for General... [Turns to Blondie] What's his name?
Blondie: Lee.
Tuco: Lee! God's on our side 'cause He hates the Yanks, too!

Riding up to Blondie and Tuco, an officer pats the grey dust from his blue uniform.

Blondie: God's not on our side because He hates idiots also.

From 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.' - I
Sir, yes, sir!
Smileys People..

Smiley. Your very piano Peter?
Guillam. Yes it must be my age!

Head of Protocol. Guillam the French authorities have cited seven breaches of diplomatic immunity against you. Everything from farting to manslaughter.