Fat V Slim....

Sunday September 11, 2011
yes guys, we all love our partners in their many wonderful shapes & sizes, but what about our razors?

apologies to our longer-serving members if this has been done before, but i was wondering, which of gillettes most famous adjustable is your preferred shaver?

personally, i think the SLIM edges it, i think it's shape & balance is nicer to handle.

but my fatboy was a pressie from my missus, she heard me harp on about one & researched & got me one by surprise for xmas. so it holds a special place in my heart, it is truly sexy hardware - the demand for them & there seeming to be fewer available demands a bigger price for them, but are they really better than the slim, their actual successor?

so, that's SLIM 1- FAT BOY 0....

To start with i found that the Slim was giving me better results, but after getting it out from the back of the draw im finding the Fatboy a pleasure to use.
I love the fatboy but I is cursed, every time I get a fatboy it's a minger
So I vote slim,
I get a slightly smother shave with my one and the head is thiner so it's better under the nose for me.
What fatboy ever shared the screen with the original "J. Bond" Sir Sean ? Or, indeed came with that optional extra .............. a tracking device.

Methinks, for those of us of a certain nostalgic age, the Shlim must always be the one !

JohnnyO. \:blush:
Fatboy for looks and shave. The only one I have two of. I thought it was very similar to the Slim at first but the head shape is different and less aggressive at the higher numbers. The Slim has a wider adjustability range so I can appreciate the advantages of that. The 1930s open comb New is my favourite 3 piece.
balidey said:
I have a slim. Never tried a Fattie, and seeing the price, probably never will. Remember, we all got into DE because it was cheaper right?

Hi there,

The waiting time for the Pass Around Fatboy ride is pretty short right now.

Dat's an option.....yeah, dat's an option.

Dat is a very good option, thanks for the heads up Martin.
Although how do I convince my better half that a razor has arrived that I haven't bought?
Is there a male equivalent of 'oh these shoes, no I've had them ages'?

For the last three years my favorite adjustable's been the 1958 Executive. Same head as a Fatboy, but with the same handle knurling as a Toggle. Better grip than the standard Fatboy pattern offers. Plus, it's plated in gold, which looks good on this razor.


soz martin, not being lucky enough to have the 58 exec, i couldnt include that!


hunnymonster said:
They both suck donkey balls... get a New Improved and grow a pair

ive already got the bollocks hm, if someone has a new improved to sell me at a fair price, will be more than happy to test drive it
