Fat and forty, and Lordy Lordy....that's not a good look

NotTheStig said:
If I have a chocolate bar I tend to want another a few minutes later, as opposed to the next day. That cycle, if I let it, can mean ......

There is an addictive component in chocolate - a chemical whose name is full of 'x's - particularly addictive to menstruating women, allegedly. Plus, a rapid increase in blood sugar level leads to a rapid decline - causing a sugar craving. Plus it tastes nice and stays in your mouth a while.

Resistance is useless. The only way is not to have the first one. True of many substances!

If I can get round the supermarket without buying 'goodies' I know I'm going to have a miserable week so I don't try anymore.
terms of your LDL (cholesterol) levels,

I should probably stop getting books at the Charity shop & reading them Chris. I'm far from as convinced as once I was about the varying cholesterol levels following reading "The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. However last total count was 3.8 & practise nurse is scared I may outlive her.
Should probably say that I can only speak from my own experience and I've got absolutely no medical or nutritional background in case anyone thinks I'm in any way qualified to offer dietary advice.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

Mrs PC would agree with that. She's not normally bothered about chocolate. :-/

Worth a try? It gets great reviews!


From what I understand (which may be out of date), there's still general consensus in the medical community that LDL cholesterol isn't something you want that much of in your system (though, as with most if not all of these "bad" substances, a low level is usually necessary). My point was that, though I'm sceptical as to the accuracy of the authors' claims about the way his diet works, I'd take a cautious punt that any deleterious effects would manifest themselves in routine blood tests administered by your GP.
I'm lucky that I'm tall and skinny (though not so much after many gym visits!) and don't easily put weight on but the key to putting weight on is surprisingly simple in that if you take in more calories than you use up you will gain weight.

Some people will gain it quicker than others (due to a whole variety of factors, metabolism being one) but the underlying principle remains the same.

Some good points being made here about reducing your intake of starchy carbohydrates like bread and potatoes. I'd agree with that. One thing you do notice when you eat reasonably healthily (I'm no saint, but I do moderate my diet somewhat) is if you eat a meal of junk food you really notice how it bloats you up and how difficult it is for your body to process it.
Well, today hasn't been too painful. The diet isn't terribly restrictive, with potatoes, pasta, rice, eggs, all veg, fruit, meat and fish being allowed in unlimited quantities. The main things I'll miss which are strictly limited are cheese and fats/oils. E.g. I level teaspoon of oil is about 1/7 of your max. daily naughty allowance. And bread is limited also. But certainly there is no need to ever feel hungry. I'm lucky that I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so sweets/cakes/biccies/chocolates aren't a problem.
I've certainly eaten more fruit today than usual, including a whole melon!!
Thanks JohnnyO. :icon_redface::icon_redface:
And Goldcrest; the chances of me looking like a bundle of breadsticks are extremely remote. I could compete with a big fat bap though.
i find that if i pre-buy any food for work its all crap.

usually just bags of chocolate, if i buy from work/near work its usually sandwich.

cause gregs is too greasy to stomach most days.

french stick is a good one, ill happily just have that with butter and maybe a little cheese and that will do me.

before you try cutting all food out, why not eat like you are doing and see how much you have to eat to maintain weight, that way you know roughly how much you need to eat to maintain weight so you just eat a little less than that say 100 calories = about a chocolate bar i guess then you wont feel hungry and still lose weight
soapalchemist said:
The diet isn't terribly restrictive, with potatoes, pasta, rice, eggs, all veg, fruit, meat and fish being allowed in unlimited quantities.

Surprised you can eat so much potatoes, pasta and rice. These, like bread, are starches which soon become fat if you don't burn them off. Protein is your friend though. Veg is also your friend. But not sprouts, good grief no.
I was surprised too; they actually do three versions of the diet, and one is more similar to the Atkins diet, not sure what the other one is. I'm using the most common and easiest one; no way I could give up potatoes.
Re: RE: Fat and forty, and Lordy Lordy....that's not a good look

soapalchemist said:
I was surprised too; they actually do three versions of the diet, and one is more similar to the Atkins diet, not sure what the other one is. I'm using the most common and easiest one; no way I could give up potatoes.

Ah, you can take the lady out of Ireland, but you'll never take her potatoooooooooooooes
You don't need to give up berdaders, just cut down on em. Same for rice, pasta, beans, couscous, all those things. Except for quinoa, which is a miracle food and has as much taste as tofu, i.e. NONE AT ALL.
'Ah, you can take the lady out of Ireland, but you'll never take her potatoooooooooooooes '

Too true....which is probably why I'm shaped like one. :-(