Face adapting

I'm sure I've seen comments that one's face gets used to DE shaving.

I know that my face seems less sensitive after shaving than it initially was, despite the fact that I'm achieving closer shaves. Of course this could be down to improved technique and blade choice or does the beard start growing differently or the skin get "used" to being scraped?

I've only been using a DE for 2 weeks but have (thank goodness !) noticed a vast improvment.

My first shave with a couple of days stubble was fantastic. The next day, wow, my neck was sore. A couple more shaves ok but then changed blade from Derby to Personna. This seemed a lot better to me and have useed the Personna blades since.

I think the 2 most useful things I have read time and time again about DE shaving are: Take it SLOW and think about beard REDUCTION.

My 2 penneth worth.

It comes down to technique. When I started (about 6 years ago), a shave took 40 mins and afterwards my face was pretty sore. Now I can have a perfect shave in 5-10 mins without a hint of irritation.
90% improving technique, 10% beard/skin adapting.

I only give it 10% because I did witness a colleque who used a rotary electric, his beard was like a weather pattern, all over the place. A month or two of steady WTG passes with D.E. They weren't the best shaves in the world but skin and beard pattern seemed to improve.

Sample size of 1 though.
Thanks for the replies, I guess I should feel pleased that its a technique thing and I'm getting better

antdad said:
Sample size of 1 though.
In some branches of alternative medicine that would be classed as definitive :lol: