FA Cup

I know the line between banter and taking the piss.

Like to have a laugh but when you cross the line (being racist, etc) that's a different story.

I grew up as a spurs fan, my dad supports Liverpool and brother Man Utd. My dad has a pharmacy in mill hill opposite where spurs used to train, so I've been lucky to meet Gazza, Mabbut, Anderton, Campbell etc.

I love a bit of banter, but definitely draw a line when making personal remarks outside the realms of 'the game'. The match is over we lost, that doesn't mean we will lose at the next meeting. As a spurs fan do I really want to see this thrown back at an arsenal fan? Probably not, some are friends and most I would hope are decent people. So perhaps we can show some maturity? I'm sure if no response was made by our fans, Walcott would have looked a lot worse and possibly added to the demise of his injury. Although a team is personal and I love Spurs, I wouldn't fashion my hobby beyond enjoyment.
Walcott wouldn't have done it in first place if he wasn't getting dogs abuse

tonyspurs said:
This is what happens when ignorant dimwits get carried away with hate:icon_rolleyes:

Old bill involved now mate
We're having an unbelievable run at the moment, and have got Hull in the semi's now! I don't fancy us to beat them, but I didn't fancy us beating Fulham, Villa or Charlton either.

What's really sweet is our bitterest rivals (Wednesday) blew the chance of a Sheffield derby. To quote a mate, Thornbridge Ales have brewed a Sheffield Wednesday beer. It's pretty bitter and they bottled it a couple of weeks ago.
Bit wary of the semi vs Wigan (Gooner here) demolished Everton pretty well, Arteta's coolness for BOTH penalties was top drawer.

Wigan have beaten City twice now in the cup and I fear they'll turn us over. Not as in a thumping but one of those "have-50-chances-to-score-but-Giroud-fluffs-chance-after-chance-then-Wigan-score-in-the-last-10-minutes" type games.

Pompey beat the then current Champions league winners on their home ground on the way to their last cup win.

There's always hope.
Well I've booked my car parking for our Semi against SU.

Just need some ticket info to be released. Why does it seem to be taking an age?
Well we made hard work of that semi! Took penalties to beat a Championship side!

When we went 1-0 down I feared we'd lose the game but Per came up with the equaliser and Lukas saved the day! (excuse the pun).

We gotta win the final now or else Wenger goes!