EXJ New kid on the block

i guess we can’t expect much for £5 with no p&p.
The head looks cheap and i’m guessing feels cheap.
Hopefully the handle is ok.
Also the head doesn’t look stainless but i’m assured it is
The bit about it being a recent startup. I saw EXJ on eBay at least a year ago. I think we are being told rowlocks. Still, like you, I'll be happy if the handle is good. When I looked on eBay there was no silver colour - it was called gold. What was that old saying? If you are going to tell a lie, make it a big one. There's more chance you'll be believed.
hahahahahah very true.
when i bought mine a couple of days ago they only had 6 feedbacks & the dude told me they were new hence the introductory offer.
but yes you are 100% correct
I agree
sometimes the manufacturers try to make fancy handles yet forget about the fundamentals.
I've seen the review by @NotTheStig on SOTD. When I shaved with my EXJ it was awful - rough and uncomfortable. First and last time with that head. I sometimes wonder why I punish myself when I have a load of excellent razors.
@Mike Smart I've been thinking about the "recent start-up". The razor is not new, but the company is.
Sorry you didn't get on with it.
I've certainly used better. It did the job ok but provided a lot of blade feel which I wasn't keen on. I guess the upshot for me was it did a good job but didn't feel enjoyable.
The handle is better and hasn't rusted yet. It hasn't left the bathroom since I got it, to keep it in its natural environment!
Ah there you go i didn’t realise it was an older razor.
i guess with all the feedback i won’t use the head, it will probably go in the bin straight away.
As i said in a previous post some of these cheap manufacturers focus on the handle but get the fundamentals wrong.
But as you say we’ve all got good razors why put ourselves through the turmoil of shite lol.
I would say lessons learned but we’ll all probably do it all again