Evening Shaves

You're certainly not alone ...

Yet another evening shaver here. My face doesn't wake up until mid-morning. I shudder to think what a slaughter house I'd turn the bathroom into shaving in the morning.

I like to shave in that bit between dinner and going to bed, say, around 9 o'clock? Shower/hot towels, then on with the ritual. Lovely cleanse, tone and moisturise, then maybe quarter of an hour later a good splash of aftershave lotion. Just enough to smell nice for a short while. Morning, up, wash, hot, cold, pat, EDC/EDT and off to work with just the scantest of stubble, more akin to a good shave, having sealed the deal with a close the night before.

Well, that's been my routine for the last three weeks. Prior to that I went through a ten day cycle of pain and agony with cartridges. I've been delivered. Love it!
I did tend to stick to evening shaves, but as of late I've been getting up extra early to shave in the morning. It depends how I feel, but like I said, lately I've been more inclined to shave in the mornings. Whatever floats your boat
I've had a couple of evening shaves and enjoyed the experience immensely. I love going to bed with clean cheeks on cold pillows I also find my beard doesn't seem to grow as much at night compared to the equivalent amount of time during the day, so in the morning it feels nearly fresh shaved. However, I find the shave/shower process in the morning is one that wakes me up nicely and I'd be reluctant to let it go, even if it did mean an extra half hour in bed. Things change however and we have a one year old and a 3 year old and my wife's about to go back to work so the morning ritual may need to shift to the evening, at least on some days.. we'll see.
NotTheStig said:
Another predominantly evening shaver here. I like the relaxation of shaving justbefore bed. Plus if I mess up badly the bleeding should have stopped by the time I wake up

bleeding is one of the reasons I shaved in the evening. Due to bad skin I could never get a confident shave before going to work.

I know I'm all DE I still shave in the eveing as I find it much more relaxing during the week. Usually about 10 in the evening. I find it much more relaxing than the rush in the morning to get ready for work.

Even though my skin is much better now than when I was 18 I still have bits that get sore sometimes and swell and get taken off by the blade. I find it much less stressful to have a nice evening shave. Also I don't got to bed until about 1 to 1:30 in the morning so it feels nice.
I love shaving in the morning, main reasons being the wife and kids are still in bed and i have peace and quiet. It means i can take as much time as like without being pestered. Plus i love going to work nice and awake, which shaving in the morning does to me.
Do both. Depends on the demands of the moment. Before I retired I shaved in the mornings . Now that I can't seem to schedule my mornings, I shave when time allows.
Well I've given it a whirl and I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised.

I shaved last night about 10:30PM and the stubble has really only been noticeable since I came home about an hour or so ago.

Maybe the fact my beard turned light grey about 10 years ago makes it less noticeable but I decided to give evening shaving a weeks trial.

It certainly reduces the rushing around in the mornings if nothing else !