Euthymol toothpaste, opinions?

The Marvis website is a fantastic example of how advertising can 'sex up' even the most relatively mundane products.

I don't know about you, but I want all seven of the flavours!

As I recall from my childhood (distant memory) it looked, smelt and tasted like Germoline. The clincher, as you say, was spitting out frothy, pink gunk. Really peculiar they managed to sell it at all.

As I recall from my childhood (distant memory) it looked, smelt and tasted like Germoline. The clincher, as you say, was spitting out frothy, pink gunk. Really peculiar they managed to sell it at all.

As a child, I would have hated this stuff, but as an adult, I rather like the taste.
I wonder if the formula change has altered (improved) the taste. I'm not curious enough to find out but fair play to you for sticking with it.

From what I've read, the taste has not changed a whit. The paste is not thick and 'gritty' anymore. It comes out of the tube looking like regular toothpaste.

I imagine the older formula resembled Marvis toothpaste in texture far more than it's current iteration. Marvis is more 'solid' than other toothpastes I've used.