Closed European pass-around: Bunny V3

Thanks for the info! As I don't have any Chick blades I took out a Personna blade anyway. See below.
2nd shave with the Bunny

After tuesday's shave I let the skin come to rest and in consultation with Tom I made a slight change with the main spring which was a bit unevenly bent. Remember it's a Beta razor, so these things can happen. I loaded a Personna blade from Connaughtshaving, had a proper preparation and went at it.

Taking care to hold the razor at an almost 90 degrees angle and using as light a touch as I could manage I had a far better shave than tuesday. I guess then it was a combination of bad preparation, bad angle and bad blade. This on the other hand was way better. I feel I still have a bit of trouble to find the correct angle, but I'll get there. I felt that it was easy and comfortable to hold the razor in different ways for different angles of attack (up-down, down-up, left-right, right-left etc). I felt though that I needed to be aware of having clean hands to be sure of having a good grip on the handle. I think some knurling on the handle may come in handy.

The result after three passes was another BBS shave. The alum still gave a little more than average sting, but way less than with the first shave.

Thanks again, @twhite510 for making such a nice shaver and sending it around the world!

Good Report..Glad you got Sorted..

3rd & 4th shave with the Bunny

The third shave with the Bunny (last Sunday morning) was a copy of the second shave. I must say, the Bunny is in a league of its own. Never had closer shaves than with the Bunny!

Tonight's shave was different in that I loaded a Schick Twin blade in stead of the Personna. The blade(s) felt more solid agains my skin and performed absolutely great! Another BBS shave!

I think I'll have one more shave before I'll ship it to the next in line.

Things I do like so far about the Bunny:
  • looks
  • size & weight
  • performance
  • overall razor quality
  • travel case

Things I would alter on the Bunny:
  • add some knurling on the handle
  • a smaller blade gap (the blade gap looks huge to me)

Thing I don't like about the Bunny:
  • When using the Bunny I can only shave every other day, because there's nothing to shave after the first day :angry017: (so it's in fact a compliment on its effectiveness! )

Other thoughts:
  • the Bunny asks for the lightest touch possible
  • though some users have the greatest shaves every time I still have some razor burn post shave. So I guess for me there is a learning curve.
  • this would be my go-to razor if I really need to be close shaven (important meetings for instance) :angelic013:

Tom, you've really made a stunning razor!
5th shave with the Bunny

This is Zierikzee, a small medieval city about 8 km (5 mi) from my village. The Zuidhavenpoort (South Harbour gate) to the left was built in the 15th century and boasts the oldest Dutch carillon. The Noordhavenpoort (North Harbout gate) on the right dates from the 14th century. The building in between has been used as the residential building of the city's mayors until 2009.

Friday I felt like taking a walk on the wild side, so I mounted the Wild comb and kept the Schick Twin blade loaded. (I really like the fact that you don't need to unload the blade to mount a different comb ). The shave was again super duper close. This absolutely beautiful piece of excellent machinery does a stunning job every time!

It is unbelievable that this is only a third version of a razor which saw its first light at the start of this year! The large razor factories can learn an thing or two from you, @twhite510 !

I blame the fact that my shaves were kind of rough on a combination of having to get used to the Bunny and not using a Chinese Schick (Chick) blade. Alas, I didn't have any. My bad. I'm in love with the Bunny none the less and the only thing I would change is to add some knurling on the handle (just to make the grip more secure) and making the blade gap slightly smaller. But none of these alterations is essential.

Thanks again Tom, for this wonderful experience!

I'm cleaning up the Bunny and will send it onwards tomorrow!

Tomorrow I'll send the Bunny cleaned & sanitized onwards to @mjclark . I'll add 9 Schick Twin blades, 19 Personna blades, 10 NOS Dutch Schick blades and 7 blunt blades (plus a blunt loaded in the Bunny). The blunts can be used to practice loading the Bunny. If the blunts are reloaded again in the magazine, the next users can practice as well. The other blades can be used freely. If any of the testers has other blades, feel free to add them to the package for the next testers, so they can try 'em out as well.

Chinese Schick blades (a.k.a. Chick) are highly recommended!

The list as it stands:

Macaronus (The Shave Room & The Shave Den)
MJClark (The Shave Room thread)
Nisse (The Shave Room thread)
Tjebbe (The Shave Den thread)
Marverel (The Shave Den thread)
Karsten (The Shave Room thread)
ChiefShaver (The Shave Den thread)
RSSO (The Shave Room thread)

=> The list is still open <=

Legend (shamelessly copied from @riverrun ):
on the way to
currently with
I am soooooo excited - I already have modern Personnas and NOS Dutch Schick as well as NOS Personna Platinum and PAL, but I have never yet tried the twin blades.

And the descriptions of the super efficient shave and the photos are making my mouth water

Thanks for your thorough and well presented write up, we'll compare notes...
I'm curious as to how you like it!

Be careful, though: feather light touch and correct angle are important!